Qinghe County Public Security Bureau Launches "Home of Police"

2023-04-23 21:08:24 Source: Tianshan.com - Xinjiang Daily

On April 21, the "Police Home" of Qinghe County Public Security Bureau was officially opened.

The "Police Home" covers an area of about 3000 square meters and is divided into "five rooms, three halls and two rooms", namely, the reading room, chess room, psychological consultation room, manual creativity room, and financial media studio; Police video hall, party building warning hall, public security electronic equipment exhibition hall; Laundry houses, "police camp justice scissors" houses, etc., are open to the people's auxiliary police around the clock. They are modern, multi-functional police camp cultural and leisure places that integrate psychological relaxation, fitness and entertainment, learning and leisure.

The use of the "Home of Civilian Police" is an important manifestation of the party committee of Qinghe County Public Security Bureau adhering to the principle of "cultural education of police, cultural strengthening of police, and cultural casting of police", which provides endless vitality and strong impetus for strengthening the professional identity, sense of belonging and sense of honor of the public security civilian police, and promoting the sustainable and healthy development of Qinghe public security cause and team in the new era.

(Correspondent Ma Jiangshan and Deng Gang)

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