The first batch of excellent units in the construction of the National People's Society for the Rule of Law announced that 4 units in Xinjiang were on the list

2023-04-21 20:52:51 Source: - Xinjiang Daily


Office Hall of Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Urumqi Economic Development Zone (Toutunhe District). Drawings provided by the interviewee - Xinjiang Daily (reporter Ma Bei reported) Recently, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security issued the Notice on Praising Excellent Units in the Construction of People's Society under the Rule of Law, praising 100 units with outstanding work in the construction of people's society under the rule of law nationwide, and 4 units in Xinjiang won the honor.

The four units are respectively the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Urumqi Economic and Technological Development Zone (Toutunhe District), the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Korla City, Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Maigaiti County, Kashi Prefecture, and the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Shuanghe City, the fifth division of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps.

In 2022, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security will carry out the demonstration of the rule of law human society in the national human resources and social security system. The Xinjiang Human Resources and Social Security Department set up a review working group to strictly control the selection criteria and guide each district to repeatedly optimize the application materials; Strict selection procedures, flexible methods such as material review, online query, telephone interview, mass satisfaction survey and spot check, etc., are adopted to recommend these four companies as candidates. After the review organized by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, all of them were selected as outstanding units in the construction of the National Human Resources and Social Security under the rule of law.

These four units have all met the requirements of employment, social security, personnel, labor relations and other work tasks; Fully implement the list management of administrative licensing items, and implement administrative licensing according to laws and regulations; 8 conditions were set up, such as strengthening the construction of systematic work style and significantly improving the satisfaction of the masses.


The first batch of excellent units for the construction of the National People's Society for the Rule of Law was announced, and Xinjiang's four family societies system was listed. Network screenshot

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[Editor in charge: Wang Xinran]
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