Changji Prefecture Launches "Law Run Tingzhou" Legal Publicity and "Ten Thousand People Walk" Activity

2023-04-10 15:40:49 Source: - Xinjiang Legal Daily - Xinjiang Legal Daily News (reporter Zhang Weiling and correspondent Guo Fengqin reported) On April 7, the launching ceremony of "Farun Tingzhou" rule of law publicity and "Ten Thousand People's Walk" activity in Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture was held in Changji City, and the "Changji Popularization of Law" tweeter and "Rule of Law Tingzhou" WeChat platform were broadcast online simultaneously.

At the launching ceremony, Chen Rongrong, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Committee and Vice Governor of Changji Prefecture, delivered a speech. Hailati Baokai, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Changji Prefecture, awarded the plaque of "Public Welfare Law Popularization Studio" to six law firms, including Xinjiang Xinlantian Law Firm and Xinjiang Tongchuang Law Firm. Ye Erbao, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC of Changji Prefecture, served as a takeaway Six units and enterprises including express companies were awarded the team flag of "Franco Prussian Volunteer Service Team".

During the activity, Changji Prefecture judicial administrative personnel and public security officers carried out law program tour and on-site consultation activities in Yaxin Square, Changji City, and Haitang Community, Lvzhou Road Street, Changji City.

In recent years, Changji Prefecture has taken the lead in designing the "Pupu", the mascot for popularizing the law in Xinjiang, and launched the "Changji Pufa" sound horn, organized and carried out activities such as the national law training, the rule of law night market, and the voluntary service for popularizing the law, so as to enhance the legal awareness of cadres and the masses.

In order to further expand the coverage and influence of the rule of law publicity activities and expand the law popularization volunteer team, Changji Prefecture launched the "law run Tingzhou" rule of law publicity "10000 people walk" activity, including takeaway riders, express boys, taxi drivers, etc. into the law popularization volunteer team, and carried out publicity according to the links of order receiving and delivery. At the same time, Changji Prefecture will also carry out a series of activities, such as a tour of 100 rule of law cultural programs, 1000 legal service workers' voluntary consultation, 10000 students having the same rule of law class, 10000 volunteers' voluntary publicity of law popularization, to realize the "zero distance" of constitutional and legal services.

According to statistics, the online audience of the launch ceremony reached 169000, creating a strong atmosphere of rule of law throughout the prefecture.

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[Editor in charge: Zhang Weihua]
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