Destroy the seal of the court without authorization!

2023-03-31 12:23:56 Source: - Xinjiang Legal Daily

Han deliberately damaged the seal of Karamay District Court to seal the vehicle involved in the case. Photographed by correspondent Yu Climbing - Xinjiang Legal Daily (reporter Guo Yuqiang and correspondent Yu Pangdeng reported) Recently, the People's Court of Karamay District, Karamay City imposed a 13 day judicial detention punishment on Han, the preserved person who obstructed execution according to law.

Recently, a small loan company in Karamay filed a lawsuit against a trade company in Karamay to the Karamay District Court, and applied for property preservation before the lawsuit. The court legally preserved the property worth more than 3 million yuan under the name of the respondent, and sealed the vehicles under the name of the respondent on the spot.

On March 16, the person applying for preservation reported to the Karamay District Court that the person subjected to execution tore up the seal. The judge in charge and the bailiff went to the scene to confirm that the seal was destroyed. At the same time, they saw Mr. Han, the legal representative of the company, in the office building of a trade limited company in Karamay. The judge in charge immediately made a serious criticism and education to Mr. Han, informing him that acts such as destroying the seal of the court without authorization would hinder the court's execution, and would face legal consequences such as fines, detention, and even criminal law violations.

Han said that he knew that he promised to cooperate with the court in the preservation work and that no similar thing would happen again.

In the afternoon of the same day, the applicant for security reported to the court that the seal was damaged again by the person subjected to execution. After verification, the judge in charge summoned Han to the court.

The collegial panel of the court studied that Han, as the legal representative of the preserved company, deliberately damaged the seal after the court seized the vehicle involved in the case. After being warned to damage the seal again, the act of obstructing execution was serious and of a bad nature, and he should be detained for 13 days according to law.

   Judge reminds

It is illegal to open the seal without permission. If you tear the seal without permission, you will be investigated for legal responsibility. According to the relevant provisions of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, the act of intentionally tearing up the people's court's enforcement notice and seal is an illegal act that obstructs the enforcement, and the people's court may impose a fine or detention according to the seriousness of the case; If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.

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[Editor in charge: Dimuna Wusi Erhan]
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