Excavator suspension violation Procurator makes pre prosecution suggestions

2023-03-10 15:19:47 Source: Tianshan.com - Xinjiang Legal Daily

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Excavators parked on the sidewalk. Photographed by Correspondent Zhang Yuanyuan

Tianshan.com - Xinjiang Legal Daily (reporter Li Xuqun, correspondent Che Zhaotong and Zhang Yuanyuan reported) On March 4, the procurator of the Second Procuratorate Department of the People's Procuratorate of Xinyuan County found that an excavator was parked on the sidewalk in front of the family building of the oil company on the Qiapu River Road in Xinyuan County while performing the supervision duty of public interest litigation. It is understood that this excavator has been parked for half a year.

The sidewalk is adjacent to shops in the east and schools in the west. Excavators are parked on the sidewalk, affecting safe passage. In order to protect the public interest and the safety of people's lives and property, and enhance the level of urban management, the case handling prosecutor Alia Aisker Jiang timely communicated with the relevant administrative authorities about the problems found, and urged them to actively perform their regulatory responsibilities and timely eliminate potential safety hazards through the preparation and issuance of pre litigation procuratorial recommendations.

On March 6, after receiving the inspection proposal, the relevant administrative organ ordered the excavator ownership unit to remove the excavator immediately, and said that in the future, it would establish a long-term mechanism, strengthen the investigation and strengthen the municipal management.

On March 8, the reporter learned from the Xinyuan County Procuratorate that the road holding excavator had been removed, and the road was unblocked.

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[Editor in charge: Jiang Lan]
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