Thanks to the police's "broken mind", the woman kept the "purse"

2023-02-27 18:23:29 Source: - Xinjiang Daily

"Hello, Madam, you have a credit line of 150000 yuan at our platform with low interest, fast loan, no mortgage and no guarantee." On February 25, Ms. Wu, a resident of Hejing County, received a call claiming to be a customer service of a platform.

Ms. Wu ran a store and wanted to expand the store. She was short of funds. When she heard of such a good thing, she added customer service WeChat and downloaded an APP according to the other party's requirements.

   Ms. Wu downloaded an APP according to the guidance of the other party. Courtesy of Hejing County Public Security Bureau

The customer service told Ms. Wu that after submitting the ID card, bank card number, telephone number and other relevant information, she could obtain a loan of 150000 yuan.

Ms. Wu signed the loan contract under the guidance of the other party, and the customer service told her that the loan would arrive in 15 minutes.

While waiting, Ms. Wu was told that her bank card information was incorrect.

   The chat record between Ms. Wu and the customer service. Courtesy of Hejing County Public Security Bureau

After checking the bank card, Ms. Wu found that she had really entered a wrong number, immediately submitted the correct bank card number, and uploaded the photo of holding the ID card in the APP according to the request of the other party, but still could not pass the system review.

"The 150000 yuan has been frozen urgently, and you are suspected of fraud! Quickly transfer 60000 yuan to me, and I will help you operate it, or the public security organ will get involved in the investigation!" Ms. Wu heard that the customer service mentioned the public security organ, realized that this might be fraud, and immediately called Su Rong, a police officer from the urban police station of Hejing County Public Security Bureau to confirm.

   Su Rong helped Ms. Wu unload an APP and reminded her to stay alert. Courtesy of Hejing County Public Security Bureau

"This is fraud! Don't transfer money!" Su Rong rushed to Ms. Wu's home after saying that she must use formal channels for loans. Ms. Wu sighed: "If you hadn't come here frequently and talked a lot, the money would have been wasted!"

(Correspondent Liu Yingfan Pingping)

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