My small goal is to open a good prescription for "disease" to promote the compliance rectification of enterprises involved in the case

18:56:08, February 15, 2023 Source: - Xinjiang Legal Daily

On January 29, the Judicial and Legal Work Conference of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region was held. In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and Xi Jinping's thought on the rule of law, fully and accurately implement the Party's strategy for governing Xinjiang in the new era, and firmly grasp the general goal of social stability and long-term stability, Xinjiang Law Journal opened a video topic of "My Small Goals" under the column of "Getting Started, Knowing Endeavour and Cohesion, Starting Again", and grassroots political and legal police focused on the 2023 task book of political and legal work in the region, Talk about your work plan.

Just as doctors heal the sick and save the people, the compliance work of enterprises involved in the case is to timely and effectively correct the illegal behaviors of "sick" enterprises, apply drugs to "sick" enterprises, help enterprises develop healthily, and set up enterprise industry benchmarks to promote the benign development of the same industry. This year, Tang Siyu, the procurator of the Second Procuratorate of the People's Procuratorate of Midong District, Urumqi, aims to carry out a case by case review of the necessity of compliance of the enterprises involved in the case, follow up and visit the enterprises that have completed the compliance rectification, do a good job in promoting the rule of law, help enterprise operators to establish the concept of legislation, learn the law and abide by the law, understand the law and use the law to strengthen the enterprise according to the law.

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[Editor in charge: Wang Xinran]
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