Fuyun County: "Three Ones" Promote the Publicity of Rule of Law to Improve Quality and Efficiency

January 19, 2023 21:22:39 Source: Tianshan.com - Xinjiang Legal Daily

On January 18, the staff of the judicial office of Kalabulegen Township, Fuyun County carried out a law popularization campaign. Photographed by correspondent Jiang Orguli

In order to further promote the rule of law in the county, Fuyun County has recently created a good atmosphere of respecting the law, abiding by the law and using the law in the whole county by means of "close communication, solving the urgent needs of the masses, and delivering services".

  Heart to heart communication breaks through the distance of "one layer of paper"

Fuyun County carries out the activity of "E saying · rule of law with our bank" every Friday, inviting prosecutors, judges, police officers, and industry law enforcement personnel to the webcast room respectively, in the form of "law+cases", so that the masses can enjoy the "rule of law dinner" at home with easy to understand language and popular ways; We will improve the ability of grassroots cadres to think in accordance with the rule of law and resolve conflicts by focusing on activities such as "Rule of Law Lecture · Lecture at the Ninth Meeting", "One Hundred Lectures of 100 Jurists", "Rule of Law Culture at the Grassroots Level" and so on.

  Solve the urgent needs of the masses and launch the "one minute" service

In order to effectively fulfill the responsibility of "who enforces the law, who popularizes the law", Fuyun County formulated a "monthly theme" rule of law publicity activity, and organized law enforcement departments to carry out immersive law popularization. In January, around the problem of migrant workers' unpaid wages, Fuyun County organized more than 50 legal publicity teams and legal service teams in each township (town) to publicize relevant laws and regulations, answer questions about the masses' legal issues on the spot, and integrate the concept of rule of law into the lives of grassroots people.

   Send the service to your door to solve the "one centimeter" problem

Fuyun County organized judges, prosecutors, lawyers, and legal workers to produce 4 micro videos of legal knowledge lectures, and 8 volumes of compilation manuals of laws and regulations, typical cases, and legal publicity, which were provided to township (town) organizations for learning in batches every month; The township (town) formulates the system of learning the law 10 minutes before the meeting, improves the legal literacy of grassroots cadres, and gradually cultivates the legal awareness of cadres; Judges, legal workers, lawyers and other groups were invited to carry out legal business training courses, and more than 300 people from 86 villages (communities), including "people who understand the law", Ping An volunteers, and grid leaders, participated in the study.

(Correspondent Jiang Aoguli)

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[Editor in charge: Jiang Lan]
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