Xinjiang News Network 2024-06-21

2024-06-21 23:59:39 Source: Xinjiang News Network

[Editor in charge: Ganati Toliken]
Ma Xingrui Elken Tunyazi Meets with the US China E-commerce Trade Delegation Participating in the China Eurasia Expo Elkem Tunyazi Meets with Pakistani Ambassador to China Hashemi Elkem Tunyazi Meets with Iranian Ambassador to China Bakhtiar The theme activity of "Open Corps" of the 8th China Eurasia Expo was held The 8th China Eurasia Expo held the "Investment in Xinjiang" - industrial cooperation promotion and docking and signing activities The press center of the 8th China Eurasia Expo held the promotion conference of "Opportunities for China to Open Xinjiang" Pay attention to the splendid art and cultural relics exhibitions of the 8th China Eurasia Expo Focusing on the 8th China Eurasia Expo "Good House" is the common pursuit of people all over the world How to realize regional green development through scientific and technological cooperation Come and punch in! Hong Kong Theme Exhibition Appears at the 8th China Eurasia Expo "Entering Bozhou" Exchange and Investment Promotion Conference of 100 Entrepreneurs Held There are many time-honored Xinjiang food brands in the exhibition Walking Ideological and Political Course | Walk into Xiaobaiyang Sentry The college entrance examination consultation meeting "ask for future" is not confused The "Model of the Times" Bao Weizhong's Report on Advanced Stories Held in Urumqi Stock Market Barometer | The turnover of broad based ETFs in the head increased again. The third batch of "2+5" key talent plan projects in the autonomous region were declared and launched
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