Xinjiang News Network 2024-05-15

2024-05-16 02:11:39 Source: Xinjiang News Network

[Editor in charge: Deng Li]
Elkem Tunyazi Meets with Gov. Mahmudaliev of Syr Darya Oblast of Uzbekistan All departments in Xinjiang integrate learning and education of Party discipline into daily work In 2024, Tianshan Environmental Protection Law Enforcement Inspection will be launched, and the "rule of law network" for desertification prevention and control will be firmly organized Delegate authority! Bank outlets throughout Xinjiang can register and change the directory of foreign exchange receipts and payments enterprises The Women's Federation of the Autonomous Region carried out the celebration of Children's Day of "Pomegranate Seed · Love in Xinjiang · Childlike Innocence to the Party" All kinds of science popularization talents walk into the north and south of Tianshan Mountain to start the "Chinese science popularization talents travel in Xinjiang" The delegation of Japan Price Creation Association visited Xinjiang: an open and confident Xinjiang with infinite charm Why did China's Tang Dynasty's figurines of beautiful women riding on horses and wearing curtains and hats attract a large number of "mystery girls" in Xinjiang SVG Poster | Xinjiang Baby's "61" Wish Xinjiang Photography Chronicle Volume 7 Happy Childhood of Xinjiang Baby Pomegranate fast broadcast | 2024 China Round Tower International Rally ends Adaxi talks about things | Altay's snow: "Tai" is fun Xiaohuamao Chorus Sings Children's Ballads in Beijing, Singing Beautiful Xinjiang Xinjiang Releases Top Ten Self driving Tourist Routes Highway maintenance personnel rushed to open the highway sections with highway collapses, and distributed Nang mineral water to the stranded people @There is an invitation for college graduates to work in Jiangsu. Don't miss it
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