Xinjiang 2 people on the list! In the first quarter of 2024, the "China Good Man List" was released
"It is my responsibility to save the masses in distress"
Light Chasers on the Public Welfare Road
One collective and one individual in Xinjiang won the "May 4th Medal for Chinese Youth"
In the first quarter of 2023, the "Good People List of China" was released, and four people from Xinjiang were on the list
"Public welfare is a marathon without end"

Yu Ying, 49, is a tour guide of a travel agency in Xinjiang and a member of Urumqi Candle Emergency Rescue Team. In 2009, he became a volunteer. For 15 years, he spent almost all his spare time doing public welfare.

Kuitun "Caring Mom" Team: Write the Great Love of the World with Ordinary Actions

In Kuitun City, a "loving mother" team initiated by Mahira Husman, a staff member of the city administration, is warming countless people in need of help.

Training turns into practice Dabancheng firefighters rescue drowning girls during physical training
The old man fell into the well, and the post-90s police went down to the well for rescue
She is a rare "panda blood". She has donated blood for 16 years without compensation
Marathon Athlete's Heart Arrest and Xinjiang Doctor Kneels to Emergency Rescue
fabulous! This community runs a tabloid to serve the elderly