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Advertise on TradeB2B is a website category based on international trade , the main users are international trade man, B2B company employee and international e-commerce staff. The TradeB2B will be your suitable advertising place if your business is related to those industries. 

Please read the details carefully before advertising:  

1.No free trying for advertising, please pay before advertising. The advertisement can be shown after paying. The shortest time is one month. 

2.The advertisement content should be limit to international trade, import and export business, B2B company and the third party service. 

3.The advertisement only accept image format, contains JPG, GIF and PNG, the size can not over 300kb. 

4.You can freely change the picture or link during advertising time.

5.False advertisement is forbidden. If the advertisement was complained as false with enough proof. We will stop the advertisement soon and reserve the power of claim legal liability.