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The tide rises in Haining, and the style leads China -- China Fashion Conference is about to open in Haining Leather City

2024-06-17 11:04:21 Source: Global Textile Network

The China Fashion Conference is a highly authoritative fashion event under the guidance of the China Textile Industry Federation, sponsored by the China Garment Designers Association and the China Garment Association, undertaken by Haining China Leather City and the Fashion Designers Magazine, and co organized by Haining Garment Association and Haining Convention and Exhibition Management Office.

Based on Haining and looking at the world, China Fashion Conference will not only promote the transformation and upgrading of Haining leather industry, but also promote the innovative development of China's fashion industry.

Industry giant, gathering in Haining

China Fashion Summit

Wise people gather and their thoughts surge. Industry giants gather together to explore new trends in fashion and draw a new chapter in business. The China Fashion Summit will bring together domestic fashion design forces, invite industry leaders, well-known experts and scholars, and fashion media to carry out in-depth sharing and discussion in the direction of "new commerce, new trends, and new thinking" through keynote speeches, round table dialogues, and other forms to discuss China's fashion trend.

Joint release, continuous culture

Designer Union Show

What kind of fashion "spark" will be inspired by the "collision" between swordsman culture and contemporary leather fashion and the "integration" of intangible cultural heritage traditional technology and modern technology?

When the wind blows in Wulin, the sword points to the sky. The Designer United Show will invite three well-known designers in China, including Wang Zifei, Song Zuyao and Chen Yu, to take the essence of culture and demonstrate the spirit of chivalry with the theme of "the greatest swordsman".

This joint show will interpret the popular trend bearing Chinese cultural elements and bring a fashionable feast in the world of martial arts through three chapters of "the youth of fresh clothes and angry horses", "the dream of happy gratitude and hatred in the Jianghu", and "walking freely with me".

Deep docking, co drawing the future

More than 100 enterprises' journey to the source of Haining industry

The platform is built together and has unlimited business opportunities. During the China Fashion Conference, more than 100 designers and fashion buyers gathered in Haining to trace the origin of autumn and winter fashion. Designers and fashion buyers will visit Haining Source production enterprises one by one, and make accurate face-to-face docking to help both parties interact and dock efficiently.

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