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What is the process of slurry printing? What are its advantages and disadvantages?

2024-06-25 14:46:07 Source: Global Textile Network

Water slurry printing is a process of printing with water-based slurry. It is one of the earliest printing technologies used in China and the most basic printing process in the screen printing industry.


Its working principle is similar to dyeing. The water-based size of printing material is water-soluble. Through the technical treatment of printing screen plate, the size with patterns can be diffused or penetrated on cotton or polyester cotton fabrics, while the size without patterns can not be penetrated, so that patterns can be printed on fabrics.

Advantages of slurry printing process:

It is widely used in T-shirt customization, with good flower position fastness, and can print good results at relatively low prices. It is mainly used to print dark patterns on light colored fabrics.

Disadvantages of slurry printing process:

1. The coverage is not strong, and the color is not very bright.

2. It cannot be used on all dark fabrics.

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