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In May, the national CPI was released, and the price of clothing commodities rose 1.6% year on year

2024-06-14 14:21:01 Source: National Bureau of Statistics Economic Daily

According to the data recently released by the National Bureau of Statistics, in May 2024, the national consumer price will rise by 0.3% year on year and decline by 0.1% month on month.

In May, clothing commodity prices rose 1.6% year on year and 0.4% month on month. Among them, the price of clothing commodities rose 1.8% year on year and 0.4% month on month in May; The price of footwear commodities rose 0.7% year on year and 0.4% month on month. From January to May, the average consumer price of the whole country rose 0.1% over the same period of the previous year. The price of clothing commodities rose 1.6% year on year. Among them, the price of clothing commodities rose 1.7% year on year; The price of footwear commodities rose by 1% year on year.

Zhang Xuewu, head of the Analysis and Prediction Division of the Price Monitoring Center of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that as China's economic operation continues to pick up and improve, large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade in and other policies to promote residents' consumption and expand effective investment are further effective, domestic demand will continue to recover, and the overall price level is expected to maintain a moderate recovery trend.

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