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Re upgrading of water security in Keqiao Printing and Dyeing Cluster

2024-06-27 14:37:46 Source: textile mesh

Recently, the printing and dyeing cross regional integration and gathering 120000 tons/day sewage treatment project undertaken by Jiangbin Water Treatment Co., Ltd. was fully completed, six months ahead of the original schedule. So far, the whole process treatment capacity of printing and dyeing wastewater of Jiangbin Water Treatment Company has increased from 200000 tons/day to 320000 tons/day, and the water security capacity of the printing and dyeing cluster has been upgraded again.

It is understood that the newly built 120000 ton/day sewage treatment plant is an important project in the cross regional integration supporting water works of printing and dyeing enterprises, which mainly guarantees the sewage treatment demand of printing and dyeing enterprises after integration and agglomeration. The total investment of the project is about 1.25 billion yuan, and the total land area is about 275 mu, which is promoted according to the general idea of "one-time design, sub item implementation". The first phase (pre-treatment section) will be completed and opened to water in June 2022, which will successfully take over the printing and dyeing wastewater after the settlement of the group in the coastal area, but it can only be discharged up to the standard after transfer and re treatment. Phase II (advanced treatment section) will be commenced in November 2022. The original planned construction period is 660 days. The whole process will be used to treat wastewater and directly discharge it up to the standard, greatly improving the treatment efficiency of printing and dyeing wastewater, and creating favorable conditions for the development and promotion of printing and dyeing industry in the cluster area.

In order to realize the early completion and operation of the project, Jiangbin Water Treatment Company has planned and made overall arrangements in advance at the early stage of the project. Through the coordination of engineering, equipment, technology, quality supervision and other aspects, during the civil construction period, equipment installation, operation commissioning, safety supervision and other cross operations have greatly shortened the project time: the main structure of civil engineering was completed in October last year, and then it took only six months to complete the installation and single machine commissioning of all process equipment, and successfully reached the standard discharge in the first ten days of May this year.

Since the trial operation of the project for more than a month, the sewage treatment system has basically maintained a full load state, and all effluent indicators meet the standard requirements. At present, equipment optimization and commissioning, process assessment and acceptance, off-site finishing and other work are also accelerating.

"The full completion of the project has achieved the goal of full acceptance, full process treatment and full standard discharge of printing and dyeing wastewater in advance, providing a strong water security for the printing and dyeing industry to" vacate the cage and replace birds "," said the relevant person in charge of Jiangbin Water Treatment Company.

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