The Significance of Compound Interest Formula and Compound Interest Curve in the Field of Thinking Training

Through observation, compound interest is also a good tool to improve your thinking ability. For example, it has a simple mathematical formula that can improve the abstract thinking ability of your left brain through calculation, while the compound interest curve expressed by a simple coordinate axis is conducive to improving the image thinking ability of your right brain.

As we know, people's left brain is for abstract thinking, and their right brain is for image thinking. And people's thinking ability can be developed slowly in the day after tomorrow. For example, Indian mathematics, which I just introduced before, is helpful to improve your left and right brain thinking ability, so it is very popular with the public.

Through observation, compound interest is also a good tool to improve your thinking ability. For example, it has a simple mathematical formula that can improve the abstract thinking ability of your left brain through calculation, while the compound interest curve expressed by a simple coordinate axis is conducive to improving the image thinking ability of your right brain.

It's a pity that I haven't seen the training institution use compound interest to train the trainees.

The reason why I write these is that through long-term observation, it is found that learning compound interest knowledge is very helpful to improve people's financial ability, career planning ability and thinking ability mentioned here.

I believe that with the gradual deepening of people's understanding of compound interest, the great educational significance of compound interest itself will be recognized by people. (Text / Hyena sister)

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Author: Coyote Sister

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