Seeking Me in My Eyes (60) Entanglement in Zen 12

If everything is unpredictable, what is the significance of this ID theory? Although everything is unpredictable, the possible structure and type of all trend types can be classified, and there are clear boundaries between each type. Therefore, the only thing you need is to observe the current trend of the market, let the market choose the possible structure and type, and then choose according to the choice of the market. Note that this is the same for large funds. In the final analysis, funds of any size are only part of the market, not the joint force itself. Those who attempt to treat themselves as joint forces and pretend to be God will end up dead. As long as the force is divided, it is necessary to observe the current response of the market and choose according to the current choice of market response.

It is found that many people have such a confused concept that buying and selling stocks is the operation of stocks, which is all of stocks. In fact, for every transaction, buying and selling can be completed within one second. More and longer time, filling in the two most basic operations between buying and selling: holding shares and holding currency, are more important operations.

If you operate at the 30 minute level, then after a 30 minute buy point, you will enter a shareholding operation. You clearly know that a 30 minute selling point must wait in front of you, and this selling point declares the end of the trend type from the 30 minute buying point. Before this selling point comes, you are only in the only operation of holding shares. When this 30 minute selling point appears, sell it, and then enter the coin holding operation until a 30 minute buying point appears. Holding shares and currency, in the final analysis, is a kind of waiting, waiting for the trading point that is absolutely guaranteed by theory. All stock operations, in the final analysis, only two words: wait.

Different from waiting for the arrival of a comet, waiting for the buying and selling point of the market can accurately know the specific time, while the buying and selling point of the market is growing up. The growth process of trading points is the birth and death process of a specific trend type.

A 30 minute trend type, the minimum standard, is to form a 30 minute hub. Once the hub is formed, it is consistent with the theory that the trend type will end at any time. So, in actual operation, how to know in advance whether this weakest trend will really be formed? The answer is no, not only is it impossible to know in advance whether the weakest trend type is really going to occur, but also any possibility of the trend type cannot be confirmed in advance. What does this mean? It shows that prediction is meaningless, and the trend is the result of market forces, not determined by God in advance. There is no God in the market. The direction of the market is only determined by the joint efforts of all participants. Large funds or high skills can guide the market with their own strength and be interpreted according to their own scripts, but no God can completely determine all the details of the completion of the market trend type in advance.

So, if everything is unpredictable, what is the significance of this ID theory? Although everything is unpredictable, the possible structure and type of all trend types can be classified, and there are clear boundaries between each type. Therefore, the only thing you need is to observe the current trend of the market, let the market choose the possible structure and type, and then choose according to the choice of the market. Note that this is the same for large funds. In the final analysis, funds of any size are only part of the market, not the joint force itself. Those who attempt to treat themselves as joint forces and pretend to be God will end up dead. As long as the force is divided, it is necessary to observe the current response of the market and choose according to the current choice of market response.

When the first center is formed, the trend type can be ended at any time. The later classification is more complex. Today's time is too tight to finish, and will be discussed in detail in the next lesson. However, today's course is a key to thinking, and two points must be made clear: first, after the trading operation at the trading point, waiting is the most critical process. We must pay close attention to the growth and classification of the corresponding trend types, which are all current. 2、 In essence, the buying and selling points are determined by the growth and classification of the trend type. In turn, the emergence of some buying and selling points gives a clear definition of the growth classification of the trend type, which is the key to observing the market details. Original Source:

Author: Coyote Sister

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