Seeking Me in My Eyes (53) Entanglement in Zen 5

How did the trend come out? It was piled up with money! In this capital society, what is more credible than piling up with real money? Besides the trend, what is more trustworthy? What is more trustworthy than money? The capital market is a game of money. In addition to money, it is also money. Only money is the only thing worth trusting. The trajectory of money movement in the market is the trend. This is the only thing that can be observed and worth observing in the market. The analysis of all fundamentals and news aspects should finally be implemented into the trend, and real money should be allowed to speak. As long as money moves, it will inevitably leave a track, which will be reflected in the trend.

What news can anyone know in advance? If you don't know, it doesn't mean that others don't know. If you don't respond, it doesn't mean that others don't respond. All of this, whether you know it or not, will inevitably reflect on the trend. When the news becomes clear, everything will be late.

How did the trend come out? It was piled up with money! In this capital society, what is more credible than piling up with real money? Besides the trend, what is more trustworthy? What is more trustworthy than money? The capital market is a game of money. In addition to money, it is also money. Only money is the only thing worth trusting. The trajectory of money movement in the market is the trend. This is the only thing that can be observed and worth observing in the market. The analysis of all fundamentals and news aspects should finally be implemented into the trend, and real money should be allowed to speak. As long as money moves, it will inevitably leave a track, which will be reflected in the trend.

In the market, the only activity is actually the exchange of money and stocks (note: it should be all kinds of trading). What fundamental analysis, this value and that value, in the final analysis, are all nonsense. Stocks are waste paper. The only function is a voucher that allows you to legally exchange one sum of money for another after a certain period of time.

The essence of transaction is to invest a sum of money and exchange it for another sum of money after a certain period of time. The voucher is the type of transaction.

In essence, anything can be traded. The so-called stock value is just a lure to lure you to invest your money. Those who apply this ID theory must first recognize this point. For the money you invest, the vouchers that can make you become more money in the next moment are valuable. If there is a machine, as long as you invest 1 yuan, 1 trillion yuan will come out one second later, and that fool will only speculate in stocks. Unfortunately, there is no such machine, so we can only play in the capital market. On the market, it is not worth feeling for any stock.

The only risk in the market is that the money you invest cannot be exchanged for more money with corresponding vouchers at a later time. In addition, all risks are bullshit risks.

However, any voucher is essentially waste paper. Any transaction at any price above 0 must contain risks, that is, it may lead to that the invested money cannot be exchanged for more money at a later time.

Therefore, the risk of transaction always exists. So, what is the possibility of making the transaction risk-free? The only possibility is that you have a negative price certificate. What is a real master, an invincible master? A person who has the ability to turn any certificate into a negative price within a corresponding period of time.

For a real expert, it doesn't really matter what to trade. As long as the market fluctuates, you can turn any voucher into a negative price for a long enough time. In essence, this ID theory only discusses how to turn any price certificate into a negative number in a long enough time.

Any market fluctuation can provide positive support for such activities that make vouchers ultimately negative. The effect is the same whether you buy first and sell later or sell first and buy later.

But many people can only exercise unilaterally, and can't move back and forth. This is a bad habit. Whether the market goes up or down, it is always an opportunity for you. You can always be in the business. As long as there are selling points, you must sell, and as long as there are buying points, you must buy. The only thing you need to control is quantity. Even for the amount of money like this ID, this ID will also participate in the one minute selling point, but it may only sell 50000 shares, fall back one minute to buy back, and the price difference will only be 10 cents. In addition to the handling fee, the whole operation may only have 4000 yuan of income, but 4000 yuan is not money? It is enough for an average family to spend one month. More importantly, this operation can reduce the overall cost of this ID even if it is 0.000000001 points. Therefore, for this ID, any selling point is a selling point, and any buying point is a buying point. The only thing this ID needs to control is the volume of buying and selling.

In fact, there is only one meaning of the level, which is basically related to the trading volume. Of course, the trading volume of the daily level is much more than that of the 1-minute level This ID can use a larger amount to participate in trading, such as 1 million shares, 10 million shares, or even more. This ID will never trust any stock with a positive cost. The only idea is to make it negative as soon as possible.

Therefore, from this point of view, there is no need to choose stocks. The only thing worth choosing is the stocks with large fluctuations, which cannot be completely predicted.

For this ID, there is never any risk in the market unless the market is always in a straight line. Of course, investors with a small amount of funds can go in and out of their entire positions and wander between different vouchers. This efficiency is of course the highest, but it does not apply to large funds. Large funds cannot buy enough at any time. Original Source:

Author: Coyote Sister

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