It's abnormal values that show off the rich online

Xiong Zhi, Special Commentator of the Nine School News

On the evening of May 21, it was reported that the "Wang Hongquan Star", a mega online celebrity, had been banned or blocked by major social platforms.

If you have brushed the video of "Wang Hongquan Star", it is estimated that many people will exclaim, "Poverty limits imagination".

This online celebrity, who has millions of fans, once said in an interview that "there are no eight figures in his body and he will not go out". He also said that "there are seven suites in a community in Beijing". The various famous brand bags and jadeite jewelry displayed in the video are full of money, which makes people dazzle and gape.

Whether "Wang Hongquan Star" is really rich or whether the image of the rich is packaged has always been controversial online. Now, he has been dubbed by various platforms. Although the official did not give the reason, it can be sure that the way to make money is completely broken by using the rich people to obtain traffic for cash.

It is worth mentioning that this time, not only the "Wang Hongquan Star", but also the "Abalone Sister" and "Mr. Bai" were given the title. What they have in common is that they frequently display luxury lifestyles online.

Not long ago, the Central Cyberspace Office issued the Notice on Carrying out the Special Action of "Clear and Clear, Rectification of 'We Media' Without Bottom Line Blog Traffic", which mentioned the key points of rectification, including "catering to vulgar needs, creating rich people, deliberately showing the luxury life piled up with money, so as to attract and drain powder".

From this point of view, this wave of ban action is more about the implementation of Internet policies by various platforms and the centralized cleaning up of the phenomenon of creating people in violation of public order and good customs.

Some people may think that showing extravagant life will be dubbed. Is this a cover up? Is it to deliberately cover up the gap between the rich and the poor and limit everyone's imagination? In fact, this kind of query is a misunderstanding of online celebrity economy.

After the popularity of short videos, the creation of flashy videos has become a popular "track". These online celebrities show the luxurious life, not just to satisfy their vanity, but to show off wealth is just a coat, and business is the real background. For example, "Wang Hongquan Star" has been carrying goods live since it became popular.

When flaunting wealth becomes a business, these online celebrities, who are proficient in personalized marketing, often have how to generate traffic and how to create emotional conflicts. They carefully design and select luxury objects beyond the public wealth awareness to display. The extravagant life thus packaged may not be the real daily life of the rich.

What's more, some online celebrities, in order to attract eyeballs and earn traffic, are willing to fabricate false stories, forge luxury sources, and even create the illusion of having huge wealth through leasing or borrowing.

It has been reported by the media that on the e-commerce platform, some businesses peddle luxury goods, luxury cars and houses, balance bills, travel and leisure, and even helicopter purchase records. They can buy a material that can be used to package the rich and talented people for only a dozen yuan.

If the source of wealth is legitimate, the rich can spend money to enjoy themselves, and even show it on social platforms, it is understandable. But once the end of showing off wealth is to bring goods, and the business behind the artificial fraud is business, those online celebrities who spend money like dirt appear suspicious.

It not only misleads the public and causes bad atmosphere, but also digs a wealth trap. For example, some video online celebrities deliberately reveal their wealth on the Internet to show their wealth. They just want to take advantage of people's mentality of getting rich quickly and release fake videos to show off their wealth, so as to entice others to invest or buy fake products.

Being rich is not the original sin, but flaunting wealth and creating false information are doomed to be socially unacceptable. Therefore, it may be a signal that online celebrities such as Wang Hongquan Star have been banned. It is time to cut off this way of making money by showing off the rich, creating fake people and showing off the luxurious life.

[Source: Jiupai News]

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