The car was squeezed by two big cars, and three people in the car survived miraculously

On April 29, Fast Technology reported that when driving on the road, you should not follow large trucks for a long time, but also avoid being followed by large trucks. When stopping at red lights, you should also try not to stop between trucks.

Recently, there was a multi vehicle serial rear end collision in Yangzhou, where a white SUV was sandwiched between a tanker and a truck, and the rear half of the tanker was jacked up, while the SUV below was severely deformed, and the rear half had completely collapsed, hardly showing its original appearance.

Fortunately, even so, three people on the SUV survived miraculously, only one was slightly injured, and the other two were safe.


According to the investigation of the traffic police, when the accident happened, several cars in front were waiting in line, and the last truck was responsible for the accident. According to the driver, he bent down to pick up his mobile phone and distracted driving, which led to the accident. It is obvious that he should bear all the responsibility for the accident.

After the accident, someone asked what the brand of the white SUV was, and suggested that it should be used as publicity. However, some netizens thought that if the incident was highlighted, it would be easy for traffic to bite back.

In this accident, it is obvious that there is more luck. The main reason is that the tank car in front of the SUV is empty, so it can be lifted after the collision.

The rubber tires have played a sufficient role in buffering and protecting the passengers in the car. If the tanker was fully loaded at that time, then it would be another outcome if it suffered such a strong impact before.

In any case, it is a blessing in misfortune. Here again, we remind you that when waiting for the red light, you should be careful to keep a safe distance from the car in front, and always observe the rear through the inside rearview mirror in order to deal with emergencies.

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