The kissing contest held in the mall was criticized as unsightly

In Hefei, Anhui Province, a shopping mall held a men and women's kissing contest on 520. The scene was very lively, and many couples were also "making a fool of themselves" at the scene. However, many passers-by saw such an event, but they were very disgusted, and thought that such an event was immoral and not suitable for holding in public
It is understood that according to the requirements of the rules of the activity, male athletes need to hold girls and kiss them. The lips of both sides should not be separated. At the same time, girls' feet should not touch the ground.
This requirement can also be understood. It should be to increase the difficulty and shorten the duration of the event. After all, similar events have been held in other regions. If there are no action requirements, there may be a desire to win or lose. There are also those who insist on seven or eight hours
The live video shows that some boys are very tired because they keep this position for a long time, and even some couples fall to the ground at the same time, but their lips are still connected, which is really not elegant
Some netizens think that this kind of activity is disgraceful and immoral. Even if it is paid, it will not lose this person on the stage
Some netizens said that businesses are always keen to engage in unhealthy activities to attract eyeballs for public relations. It is unhealthy to engage in commercial activities in such a way as kissing contests and strip free contests
The department store also responded to this. A staff member said that this was just a promotional activity held on the day of the 520 event. Since it was an event, some people must say yes, some people said no, and everyone could not like it
In fact, strictly speaking, netizens' doubts are not unreasonable. Strictly speaking, hot kissing is a very private matter, but it has been fully used by businesses. On the spur of the moment, there will be a "hot kissing contest". This "contest" is not afraid of no one to participate in, as long as there are prizes, there will be no audience, and there will always be many onlookers. But it also brings serious problems, such as security and weathering
If the participants are injured, the organizers will also be in trouble. Such private behavior will also have a negative impact on minors. After all, this is a shopping mall and a public place. At least public order and good customs are necessary
What do you think about this?

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