Unknown Biological Bodies Found "Two meter Skeleton" in Hainan

Recently, a resident of Wenchang, Hainan, found the body of an unknown creature on the sea. On May 20, the staff of the Fishery Affairs Service Center of Wenchang Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs told reporters that the body was seriously decayed and had no research value, so it was treated innocuously.
Unexplained Animal Corpses Found by the Sea (Source: Booming News)
According to the local media in Hainan, some residents reported that a large animal corpse was found at the seaside of Baishi Village in Wenchang on the evening of May 17. "It smells bad, and the skeleton is about two meters long." Residents speculated that the body should have been hit by the waves a few days ago.
In the afternoon of the 20th, the reporter contacted the Fishery Affairs Service Center of Wenchang Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and the operator said that on the 18th, people reported that an unknown animal corpse was found near Baishi Village, Puqian Town. The staff went to the scene and found that the body was seriously decayed, "leaving only the skeleton and a little skin." Then they asked the superior for instructions, Experts said that because the body was seriously decayed and had no research value, the staff found a place on the scene to do harmless treatment.
The above operator told the reporter that a local fisherman said that the dead animal might be the spotted cat shark, but this statement was not officially confirmed. Previously, the local relevant department said in an interview with the media that it was preliminarily determined to be fish debris. "Since it has been dried for many days, it is impossible to determine what kind it is."
Source: Red Star News
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