All regions continue to promote the action of reducing certificates and facilitating people

"It's so convenient!" Not long ago, Ms. Gao, who handled the business license at the market supervision service window of the government affairs hall of Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province, said that the staff not only helped her review the relevant formalities for starting the enterprise, but also coordinated with tax, public security and other departments to handle the invoice application, free engraving of official seals and other businesses for her.

In recent years, Liaoyuan City has made great efforts to promote the business integration of 13 examination and approval departments, and implemented "one network for all" and "one window for acceptance". The time limit for handling 72 high-frequency government affairs services in the city has been reduced by 42.3% on average.

This is a microcosm of the continuous promotion of the "certificate reduction for the convenience of the people" action by various departments around the country. Today, the system of notification and commitment of certification matters and business licensing matters related to enterprises has been fully implemented. More government service matters are "handled nearby, online, and on the palm". Administrative approval is more efficient, enterprises and the masses are more convenient, business environment is constantly optimized, and market vitality and social creativity are constantly bursting.

   From "proof" to "commitment"

   Less material

Yao Xingheng, a resident of Xinba Town, Guiding County, Guizhou Province, has long lived by raising cattle. In order to increase income and improve family life, he is determined to set up a cattle farm. How to apply for a cattle farm business license? Is the approval speed not so fast? Yao Xingheng started to mutter.

He came to the card handling window of the Market Supervision Bureau of Guiding County for consultation, and the reply from the staff surprised him, "You are registered as a sole proprietorship enterprise, so you only need to provide your ID card and proof of business location."

But after a few minutes, Yao Xingheng frowned again: "The place of business is my own house, which has property procedures. But my home is too far away from the county seat, so it is not easy to come."

After learning about the situation, Cai Hua, the person in charge of the registration window, immediately proposed a solution: "Just make a commitment as required to ensure the real existence of the business site, the correct address, the legal and effective property certification, and sign the letter of commitment, and there is no need to provide other materials."

The solution Cai Hua said is actually "the system of informing and promising the certification matters". In the past, when establishing an enterprise to apply for a business license, it shall submit a certificate of its domicile to the registration authority. In order to improve the convenience of registration, the Market Supervision Bureau of Guizhou Province actively explores and innovates, and selects the certification items that are submitted frequently and difficult to obtain to implement the notification and commitment system.

The problem was solved, and the business license was handled as soon as it was asked. Submit the application, sign the letter of commitment, review and print... Under the guidance and help of the staff, Yao Xingheng got the business license in less than an hour.

Now, the system of notification and commitment of certification matters and business license matters has been fully implemented. In November 2020, the General Office of the State Council issued the Guiding Opinions on Comprehensively Implementing the Notification and Commitment System of Certification Matters and Enterprise related Business Licensing Matters, which clearly requires adhering to the basic principles of problem oriented, efficient and convenient, coordinated promotion, and risk controllable, focusing on the clear notification of administrative organs, the integrity of enterprises and the masses, and promoting the formation of open standards, fair rules A governance model with clear expectations, respective responsibilities and credit supervision.

"In recent years, various regions and departments have cancelled a number of certification matters, and a series of matters closely related to the production and life of the masses do not need to submit 'certificates', but can be handled by signing' written commitments', which makes it easier for the masses and enterprises to do business." said the head of the Administrative Law Enforcement Coordination and Supervision Bureau of the Ministry of Justice.

   From "multiple certificates" to "one certificate"

   Streamlined processes

"The process is simple, and the efficiency is high, so it is really easy and labor-saving." Not long ago, in the administrative approval service hall of Gaocheng Town, Yixing City, Jiangsu Province, Ms. Cao, the owner of a beauty shop, received a comprehensive industrial license.

In order to improve service efficiency and optimize the business environment, the local government actively optimizes the industry access business, promotes the docking of the "one industry, one license" module with the government service integration platform, integrates multiple licenses involved in one industry access into a single industry comprehensive license, with only one "special seal for administrative approval" affixed, and sets a two-dimensional code on the comprehensive license The regulatory department can scan the code to view the information of multiple licensing items, and practically achieve "one license for operation, one code for license recognition, and universal use throughout the city".

Ms. Cao used four "subtractions" to describe the changes before and after reform and innovation - "subtracting materials, time, links and running". She said: "In the past, when opening a beauty shop, we needed to apply for multiple permits, such as business license, public place sanitation permit, shop sign card approval, etc. After the reform of" one license for one business ", we only need to go to a window and submit a set of materials to complete the approval of related matters and obtain a comprehensive license for the business."

Enterprises can open their doors with only one certificate! In recent years, various departments around the country have continued to deepen the reform of "one industry, one certificate", highly consolidated the approval content, optimized service measures, significantly reduced the application materials of enterprises, and improved the business environment.

In November last year, after exploring the reform of "one industry, one license" in a single industry, Pudong New Area of Shanghai launched a new approach in the field of cross industry access - taking the lead in piloting "one license for cultural and sports tourism", integrating 31 approvals in all fields of culture, sports and tourism, such as home stay, swimming, bookstores, rock climbing, and galleries, into one access project, combining multiple licenses and issuing a "one license for cultural and sports tourism"

Through reform, the approval time has been shortened. There are no restrictions on the business scope of the business entity in the whole field of Pudong's cultural and sports travel industry, and the entry threshold is not limited. In the past, it took an average of 7 working days to approve a single matter. If an enterprise wants to operate three different business types, it will take at least 21 working days for the whole process to go down. Now it can apply, inform and handle at once, and issue certificates on the spot.

At the same time, submissions have decreased. The original one item requires more than ten copies of materials. If multiple items are opened, they need to be submitted repeatedly. Now 31 items are in one, and only one business license and letter of commitment are required.

New Jinqiao Plaza Industrial Co., Ltd., which operates 5 long-term rental apartment projects in Shanghai, intends to integrate outdoor trendy sports and build a base combining outdoor trendy sports and tourism. Li Changzhong, the general manager of the company, said: "The reform of 'Culture, Sports and Tourism One Certificate Pass' has eliminated the threshold of access process, saved a lot of time costs for enterprises, and opened new space for the development of diversified business types of enterprises."

   From "running back and forth" to "running on the spot"

   Increased efficiency

"The investor of the company is a Hong Kong enterprise, and the project in Taizhou, Jiangsu Province is in urgent need of landing, but the qualification notarization and certification documents of the investor need to be submitted. If we go back to Hong Kong now, the time is very tight, is there any solution?" The person in charge of a technology company in Taizhou, Jiangsu Province, went to the window of Taizhou Market Supervision Bureau to report difficulties and seek help.

The staff searched the information and learned that the investor of the company newly registered a foreign-invested enterprise in Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province last year. At that time, the relevant subject qualification notarization and certification documents had been submitted to Yancheng Market Supervision Bureau, and the documents were still within the validity period.

In response to this situation, according to the Pilot Measures on Simplifying Registration Materials and Mutual Recognition of Foreign Investors' Subject Qualification Certification Documents jointly formulated by the market supervision departments of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui and Shanghai, The staff immediately told the person in charge of the enterprise: "Registration can be handled through mutual recognition of the qualification documents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in three provinces and one city."

Finally, under the guidance of the staff, the person in charge of the company first went to Yancheng Market Supervision Bureau to print the certification documents, and then handled the mutual recognition of documents in Yancheng and Taizhou. On this basis, submit relevant application materials online. It only took more than 2 hours for the person in charge of the company to obtain the business license of the project.

In recent years, the informatization construction empowerment has boosted the quality and growth of government services. Through information sharing, it has broken the division between administrative divisions and geographical boundaries, broken the "information island" between departments, and achieved "one network, remote and nearby".

Duan Lishu, from Wugang City, Hunan Province, lives in Meishan City, Sichuan Province, and is a truck driver. Recently, he wanted to switch to online car hailing. He and his friends came to the government affairs service window of Meishan Transportation Bureau to inquire about the process of booking taxi driver's license online. At the beginning, he was worried that the certification materials of "no major traffic accident record in three years" would need to be issued at the place of residence. The staff told him that now that the data is shared, the certificate can be obtained without going back to his hometown.

In recent years, Meishan Transportation Bureau has deeply carried out the action of "reducing license for convenience of people", and focused on promoting data connectivity and sharing among departments, cities and prefectures, and provinces and cities. Relying on the docking of driver license approval information between the Provincial Department of Transportation and the Provincial Department of Public Security, Meishan Transportation Bureau has taken the "Sichuan Transportation Online Approval Service System" as the information interaction carrier, All certificates such as "no record of major or more traffic accidents within three years" have been automatically checked online.

According to the guidelines, Duan Lishu provided identity information, filled in relevant application forms, and the staff reviewed and accepted them on site. The next day, Duan Lishu took the qualification exam for road passenger transport practitioners, passed the exam and soon got the qualification certificate. Duan Lishu said: "Meishan is more than 1000 kilometers away from his hometown, and the travel fee for driving back and forth will cost thousands of yuan, which also wastes time. Now it is not necessary to take the violation inquiry letter and run back to the local traffic police department to issue certification materials. Just submit the identity information and make explanations truthfully, which will eliminate the cost of running back and forth. It is really convenient!"

"Let more information get out of the way and less people get out of the way." The head of the Administrative Law Enforcement Coordination and Supervision Bureau of the Ministry of Justice said that, in the next step, all local departments will further strengthen overall coordination and mutual cooperation, break down information and data barriers, strengthen the construction of social integrity system, form a government service coordination and linkage mechanism with data access, system access and business access, and effectively make it more convenient High quality government services help high-quality economic and social development. (Reporter Wei Zhezhe)

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