Releasing the fireworks ban is a sign of confidence in urban governance

The firecracker set off on the morning of the first day of the New Year, according to the records in the Chronicles of Jingchu, is to express the requirements of people in the Southern Dynasty to drive away evil spirits; Frankly speaking, psychologically speaking, this is the same as the common expectation that the epidemic will end at an early date. The artillery battle of breaking five is beneficial to the market, which also coincides with people's desire for economic recovery.



Looking back at the prohibition and opening of fireworks and firecrackers, from the perspective of the general historical background, it is mainly related to air pollution control. If we look back on the haze situation in the imperial capital, North China and the whole country before the Winter Olympics, it is not difficult to understand this matter. Today, after the governance before and after the Winter Olympics, our haze situation has indeed been significantly improved, This also creates basic conditions for us to burn fireworks and firecrackers moderately.



and, Whether fireworks can be set off or not, we must be realistic and listen to the voice of the people. We can't crack down and prevent strictly through administrative orders. Once it is closed, we must pursue the best results. A simple one size fits all ban on setting off is also a manifestation of lazy politics, which may even have the opposite effect. Whether from environmental protection, maintaining the traditional culture of the Chinese nation, protecting the related industries of the nation, or allowing fireworks and firecrackers to set off properly for fire prevention and safety, it is a relatively correct choice.



Now the Spring Festival is cold and quiet, and there is no flavor of the New Year. Will it be celebrated after the next generation? Maybe in a few decades or hundreds of years, the New Year will become the cultural heritage of South Korea, and fireworks will become the traditional crafts of other countries. It will be too late to regret.



At present, in addition to the official designated or individual amusement parks can be released, please give people a happy way to fireworks!



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