61 female victims of the second room N incident in South Korea

The incident of "the second room N" broke out in Seoul University, South Korea. According to Korean media reports on May 22, up to now, 61 women have been identified as victims, including 12 students from Seoul University.

At present, the Seoul Police Department has arrested five gang suspects, two of whom are graduates of Seoul University. They are suspected of producing and secretly spreading pornographic photos or videos on Telegram, an instant messaging software, from July 2021 to April this year.

 61 female victims of the second "Room N" incident in South Korea Two principal criminals graduated from Seoul University

According to the police, in the process of arresting the main criminal, Pu Mou, the civil reporting group "Tracking Team Spark", which first reported the "Room N" incident five years ago, provided decisive assistance. Yuan Enzhi, in the "Tracking Group Spark", disguised himself as a man, entered the private live broadcast room for two years and got in touch with Mr. Park. He led Mr. Park offline this year to help the police catch him successfully.

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