Details of Iran's President's Crash: He died a few minutes after the crash

Reported on May 20 by the reference news website According to the Russian satellite news agency on May 20, the head of the Iranian Red Crescent Society, Pierhussain Klivand, said that the personnel on the crashed helicopter "died within minutes after the crash".
The Islamic Republic of Iran News Agency quoted Kelivand as saying: "It took more than 40 minutes from the signal sent by the discovery of the helicopter wreckage to the arrival of rescue workers at the crash site."
He said that rescuers of the Red Crescent Society found the wreckage of the helicopter at an altitude of 2500 meters, and more than 2000 people participated in the search and rescue operation. The helicopter was completely destroyed.
According to the report, Kelivand said: "The passengers on the helicopter died within minutes after the crash."
On May 19, a helicopter carrying Iranian President Lehi, Foreign Minister Abdullahian and other officials crashed in northwestern Iran, killing all the people on board.

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