Spain will withdraw from the Paris Olympic Games? rumor

-The statement that "Spain officially announced to withdraw from the 2024 Paris Olympic Games after Russia, Belarus and Guatemala" is said to be unsubstantiated. This statement is just a proposition put forward by the Spanish left-wing party "We Can". Neither the Spanish government nor the parliament has made the decision to "withdraw from the Paris Olympics".
-At present, Russia and Belarus have been suspended by the International Olympic Committee, but qualified athletes from both countries can participate as neutrals. Guatemalan athletes are expected to wear their national official uniforms and hold the national flag at the Paris Olympic Games.
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On May 16, it was said on domestic and foreign social platforms that Spain officially announced that it would withdraw from the upcoming 2024 Paris Olympic Games, becoming the fourth country to withdraw from the Paris Olympic Games after Russia, Belarus and Guatemala.
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Spanish officials announced to withdraw from the Paris Olympic Games?
The online legend law does not provide information sources. Keyword search found that the online legend method is only popular on the Chinese network. Related to this is an initiative recently issued by a Spanish left-wing party called Podemos.
On May 13, according to the Spanish sports news website Sport, Mar í a Teresa P é rez and Pablo Fern á ndez, spokesmen of the "We Can" party, asked Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez to "withdraw from all international activities that involve Israel" at a press conference held on that day, Including the 2024 Paris Olympic Games to "demonstrate the sympathy of the Spanish people for the Palestinian people".
On May 13, the screenshot of the Sport report was taken.
Previously, at the Eurovision music festival held on May 10, Israeli institutions were invited to participate, which caused dissatisfaction of the "We Can" party. The party tried to prevent Spaniards from participating in the event, but failed in the end.
Although the "We Can" party clearly expressed its opposition to Spain's participation in the 2024 Paris Olympic Games with the participation of Israeli athletes, it was verified that the relevant announcement declaring that "Spain will withdraw from the 2024 Paris Olympic Games" could not be found on the websites of the Spanish government and parliament at present.
According to the website of the Spanish government, in September 2021, at a ceremony held by Spain's Senior Sports Committee (CSD) to pay tribute to Spanish athletes participating in the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games, Sanchez announced that his government would provide a "historic" investment worth 1 billion euros for Spanish sports before the Paris Olympic Games, To support Spanish athletes to achieve good performance in the 2024 Paris Games.
On September 9, 2021, the Spanish government website announced that Sanchez would provide a "historic" investment worth 1 billion euros for Spanish sports before the Paris Olympic Games.
As for the Palestinian issue concerned by the "We Can" party, Sanchez himself has repeatedly expressed his attitude this year that "the two State solution is the only way to achieve a peaceful, secure and stable future in the region". On March 22, Spain, together with Ireland, Slovenia and Malta, signed a statement in Brussels, the capital of Belgium, promising to recognize Palestine as a country.
Russia, Belarus and Guatemala announced their withdrawal from the Paris Olympic Games?
The online legend law also mentioned that Russia, Belarus and Guatemala have all announced their withdrawal from the 2024 Paris Olympic Games. Search found that this statement is also inaccurate.
Russia and Belarus did not voluntarily announce their withdrawal from the 2024 Paris Olympic Games, but were suspended by the International Olympic Committee. On March 20, according to BBC Sports, the International Olympic Committee said that in the context of the conflict between Russia and Belarus, Russian and Belarusian athletes will not participate in the opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games, but Russian and Belarusian athletes who are qualified to participate in the Olympic Games can participate as neutrals.
On March 20, BBC Sports reported that the International Olympic Committee said that Russian and Belarusian athletes would not participate in the opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games.
Russia expressed "anger" at the conditions put forward by the IOC for its athletes. Maria Zakharova, spokesman of the Russian Foreign Ministry, said on March 20 that the IOC had put forward "unprecedented discriminatory conditions".
The situation in Guatemala is different from that in the two countries mentioned above. In August 2022, a Guatemalan presidential candidate filed a lawsuit against the country's Olympic Committee (COG). The Guatemalan Constitutional Court decided to suspend some provisions of the Constitution and Regulations of the National Olympic Committee of that country, and was therefore sanctioned by the International Olympic Committee.
In October 2022, the IOC suspended the qualification of the Guatemalan Olympic Committee (NOC). Since then, Guatemalan athletes cannot fly their national flag or play the national anthem in international competitions.
In March this year, after being unable to fly the flag of Guatemala to participate in the Olympic cycle competition for two years, the Pan American Sports Organization (PANAM), a comprehensive sports organization of American countries, announced that the IOC had recently decided to temporarily lift the sanctions against the Guatemalan Olympic Committee as Guatemalan athletes holding the flag of the Pan American Sports Organization, They will be able to wear their official national uniforms again and hold their national flag at the 2024 Paris Olympic Games.
On March 19, the Pan American Sports Organization (PANAM) announced that the IOC was expected to temporarily lift the sanctions against the Guatemalan Olympic Committee.
To sum up, the statement that "Spain officially announced to withdraw from the 2024 Paris Olympic Games after Russia, Belarus and Guatemala" is not authentic. This statement is just a proposition put forward by the Spanish left-wing party "We Can". Neither the Spanish government nor the parliament has made the decision to "withdraw from the Paris Olympics".
At present, the International Olympic Committee has made it clear that Russian and Belarusian athletes cannot represent their countries at the opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games, but qualified athletes can participate as neutrals. Guatemalan athletes are expected to wear their national official uniforms and hold the national flag at the Paris Olympic Games.
Ming inspector Zheng Shujing
(This article is from Pengpai News. For more original information, please download the "Pengpai News" APP)

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