Han River "Water Monster" in South Korea Exposed


The so-called "water monster" photographed by South Korean people


The so-called "water monster" photographed by South Korean people


The so-called "water monster" photographed by South Korean people

   Haiwai.com, September 15 According to the report on September 15 on the South Korean Insight website, the rumor of "water monster" appearing in the Han River in Seoul recently triggered heated public opinion. A few days later, a South Korean blogger announced "solving the case" and released clear video images to expose the real "water monster".


South Korean film Han River Monster stills

On September 6, people in Seoul photographed an unknown creature 10 meters long on the Hanjiang River near the Panpu Bridge. The picture shows that this "water monster" has a slender body, flexible swimming movements and an S-shaped route.


The "water monster" photographed by the Korean blogger is actually a buoy

For a while, the real identity of the "water monster" triggered all kinds of speculation. Some animal researchers thought it might be a reptile or a snake, and some netizens suspected it was an unknown creature similar to the one in the movie "Han River Monster".


The "water monster" photographed by the Korean blogger is actually a buoy

On the 10th, a blogger took a close shot of the so-called "water monster" on the bank of the Han River. The picture shows a section of buoy floating on the river, swinging with the current. Another buoy drifted to the shore and shrunk into a ball. In the comment area, many netizens left messages of thanks. Someone wrote, "If you hadn't come out to explain, I would have been frightened."

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