Flower economy adds new vitality to consumption

At the beginning of summer, everything is glorious. With the temperature rising all over the country, the heat of flower economy is also rising. In the past "May Day" holiday, Mother's Day and the upcoming "May 20", the flower market is thriving.
According to the data of a business platform, on Mother's Day on May 12, the online and offline flower sales of the platform increased nearly 10 times than usual, and more than 40% compared with the same period last year.
From "Gift" to "Life": Flourishing Flower Economy
With the improvement of national income, consumers are increasingly pursuing spiritual consumption, and flowers are gradually changing from gifts to ordinary consumer goods. "One flower per day" and "one flower per week" have gradually become the daily consumption of consumers to decorate their lives and enrich their emotions.
During the May Day holiday, Dounan Flower Trading Market, located in Chenggong District, Kunming, Yunnan, was more lively than usual. Colorful and affordable, more than 1600 varieties of fresh cut flowers are listed every day and exported to more than 50 countries and regions... As a large-scale flower market, Dounan Flower Market has become a popular online card punching place for citizens and tourists.
On May 12 of this year, Mother's Day met the International Nurses' Day. Paeonia lactiflora and carnations took the "C" position in flower sales. The number of flower shop bookings in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province increased significantly. Many citizens booked flowers in advance before the festival. Carnations, peonies and other beautiful flowers are welcomed by consumers. According to the staff of the flower shop, carnations are the most popular on the eve of Mother's Day, with a daily reservation of about 100. In addition, many consumers like combination, such as carnations with lilies, roses, etc. According to statistics, since this year, the sales of flowers in Chongqing, Shaanxi Xi'an, Jiangsu and Zhejiang have increased by more than 50%. Flowers have become the daily consumer goods of many Chinese families, which brings great potential to the development of the entire flower industry.
From "City" to "Village": Flower Tourism Integration Paves the Road to Wealth
The prosperity and development of the "flower economy" also drives the "flower appreciation tour" to become a trend. Many rural tourism projects have taken the "float" of economic development to add vitality to rural revitalization.
This summer, many places transformed traditional agriculture into leisure agriculture and green ecological agriculture, creating a new practice of flower tourism integration, beautifying the countryside and enriching farmers.
Huanghuafengsuzuki is a tall tree suitable for growing in tropical and subtropical areas. In spring, it will produce golden flowers in the shape of wind bells. A nursery farm in Yinglie Village, Ningwu Town, Wuming District, Nanning, Guangxi, has planted more than 700 Huanghuafeng Suzuki trees, which has become a local online hit card place. Ms. Liang, a tourist, came here to take photos in her Han suit. She said that Huanghuafeng Suzuki is the most popular "net safflower" recently. The antique photos I took in the flowers this time have received a lot of praise after being posted online.
In summer, the breeze is cool, and hydrangeas are blooming all over the garden. In early summer, 400 mu of hydrangea bloomed as scheduled in Baishu Village, Shilong Town, Banan District, Chongqing, and colorful colors woven into a dream picture. According to He Peng, deputy mayor of Shilong Town, this year's hydrangea tourism festival will develop products in combination with tourism resources, drive rural revitalization, integrate agricultural products, characteristic culture, tourist attractions and other resources, and open the market on the spot for display and sale to drive economic growth.
From "Flowers" to "Flowers+": Extending the Flower Economic Industry Chain
The flower economy is greatly affected by factors such as season and homogeneity. Therefore, expanding the extension of "flower+" and lengthening the industrial chain of "flower economy" become the key to the sustainable development of the flower economy.
From March to April each year, more than 500000 cherry trees bloom in Wuhan, Hubei Province. This year, East Lake Cherry Blossom Garden has not only built a three-dimensional cherry viewing air plank road, introduced unmanned manned aircraft, but also created a romantic suspense immersive experience drama Cherry Destiny with the theme of cherry blossom. According to the data, East Lake Cherry Blossom Garden received 909800 tourists in this cherry blossom season, an increase of nearly 30% over the same period last year, and received 1518 batches of tourist groups.
During the May Day holiday, the third "Spring of Flower and Fruit Mountain" Flower Festival was held in Lianyungang Flower and Fruit Mountain Scenic Area, Jiangsu Province. With flowers as the main body, it joined the film and television IP, attracting many tourists. According to the different flowering periods, the scenic spot has built a Western Immortal Parade and theme NPC interaction in Gaolaozhuang, Plum Garden, Cherry Blossom Avenue, Pantao Garden, Daughter's Country, Zhiying Garden and other flower appreciation spots, and set up immersive interactive interpretation and games, so that tourists can be seen, appreciated and participated in, and enhance their sense of experience.
More than 10000 mu roses are ripe in Huangdian Town, Dingtao District, Heze, Shandong Province. The majority of flower farmers are experiencing the annual peak season of picking and selling roses. Huangdian Town, Dingtao District, mainly grows "Huangdian Dahua Rose", "Fenghua Rose", "Taonv Rose", "Xishi Rose" and other varieties, which can be used to make rose tea, rose sauce, rose cake and other products, driving the "sweet economy" with the flower industry.
Han Minchun, a professor at the School of Economics of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, pointed out that "to create a 'flower appreciation+' integration activity of agriculture, culture and tourism in the countryside, make it a new scene of cultural consumption, which can effectively drive the rapid growth of local catering, accommodation, tourism, transportation and other service consumption. We should promote the in-depth integration and development of flower appreciation tourism with agriculture, industry, science and technology, commerce, transportation and other industries."
New ways to play flowers, popular flower appreciation tours, and endless marketing models... The flower economy adds new vitality to consumption.
(Song Zijie, Xiao Congcong, intern Zhou Changyao)

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