National SME Development Sub fund
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company with limited liability
Generally speaking, it refers to an economic organization established by less than 50 shareholders with limited liability to the company to the extent of their subscribed capital contribution, and a corporate entity with all its assets bears full responsibility for the company's debts. Including wholly state-owned companies and other limited liability companies.
limited company
Generally speaking, it refers to an enterprise legal person whose capital is composed of shares and whose shareholders are responsible for the company to the extent of the shares they subscribe for.
Collective ownership
Generally speaking, it refers to a socialist economic organization in which the means of production are collectively owned by the working people, work together, and take distribution according to work as the main form of distribution.
Joint stock cooperative system
Generally speaking, it refers to a collective economic organization based on the cooperative system, which is jointly funded and invested by enterprise staff and workers, absorbs a certain proportion of social assets to invest and establish, implements independent operation, assumes sole responsibility for profits and losses, works together, manages democratically, and combines distribution according to work with dividends according to shares.
state-owned enterprise
Generally speaking, it refers to the wholly state-owned enterprises, wholly state-owned companies and state-owned capital holding companies that the State Council and local people's governments respectively perform the functions of investors on behalf of the state, including enterprises under the supervision of the central and local state-owned assets supervision and administration institutions and other departments at the same level and enterprises formed by their investment level by level.
Individual businesses
Generally speaking, it means that a natural person who does not have the legal person status is engaged in industrial and commercial operations and is registered as an individual industrial and commercial household according to law. Individual businesses can be divided into individual businesses and family businesses.
Individual proprietorship enterprise
Generally speaking, it refers to a business entity invested by a natural person, whose property is owned by the investor himself, and the investor assumes unlimited liability for the debts of the enterprise with his personal property. It does not have the legal personality.
Limited partnership
Generally speaking, it is composed of the general partner and the limited partner. The general partner shall bear unlimited joint and several liability for the debts of the partnership, and the limited partner shall bear liability for the debts of the partnership to the extent of its subscribed capital contribution.
General partnership
Generally speaking, it means that it is composed of general partners who bear unlimited joint and several liability for the debts of the partnership.
foreign-invested enterprise
Generally speaking, it refers to an enterprise established in China according to Chinese laws and invested jointly by Chinese investors and foreign investors, or invested solely by foreign investors.
Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
Generally speaking, it refers to companies, enterprises and other economic organizations that are registered in China in accordance with Chinese laws and invested by the capital of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao and operate independently or cooperate with domestic enterprises in production and operation.
Associated enterprise
Generally speaking, it refers to an economic organization formed by the joint investment of two or more enterprise legal persons or public institution legal persons with the same or different ownership, on the principle of voluntariness, equality and mutual benefit.
private enterprise
Generally speaking, it refers to a for-profit economic organization invested by or controlled by a natural person and based on employment. Private enterprises include private limited liability companies, private companies limited by shares, private partnerships and private sole proprietorships.
company with limited liability
limited company
Collective ownership
Joint stock cooperative system
state-owned enterprise
Individual businesses
Individual proprietorship enterprise
Limited partnership
General partnership
foreign-invested enterprise
Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
Associated enterprise
private enterprise
Type of organization
government-affiliated institutions
Social groups
Law firm
Enterprises in Hong Kong, China
Taiwan enterprises
Number of insured persons
Less than 50 persons
50-99 persons
100-499 persons
500-999 persons
1000-4999 persons
5000-9999 persons
More than 10000 people
Financing information
Generally speaking, it means that the enterprise has not financed in any way.
Angel/Seed Wheel
Angel investment, generally speaking, means that individuals contribute to help entrepreneurs with specialized technology or unique concepts who lack their own funds to start their own businesses, and bear the high risks in entrepreneurship and enjoy the high returns after successful entrepreneurship. Seed round, generally speaking, refers to seed financing, a kind of financing method conducted at the earliest stage.
PreA to A+wheel
Pre A, Generally speaking, it refers to the financing stage between Angel Round and Round A.
Round A+generally refers to the financing stage when Round A financing is completed but the requirements for Round B financing are not met.
PreB to B+wheel
Pre B, Generally speaking, it refers to the financing stage between Round A and Round B.
Round B+generally refers to the financing stage when Round B financing is completed but the requirements of Round C financing are not met.
Wheel C and above
Generally speaking, it means that the financing rounds C and above are the financing stages when the company is mature, basically profitable, and preparing for listing.
IPO listing
Generally speaking, it refers to the initial public offering, which refers to the issuer's behavior of selling its company shares to public investors for the first time.
Generally speaking, enterprise merger and acquisition refers to the act of purchasing shares or assets of other enterprises in the form of cash, bonds, stocks or other negotiable securities through the acquisition of creditor's rights, direct capital contribution, holding and other means to obtain the actual control of assets of other enterprises so that they lose their legal person status or have control over them.
Business merger generally refers to merger by absorption and merger by new establishment. Merger by absorption means that a company absorbs other companies for merger by absorption, and the absorbed company is dissolved. Newly established merger refers to the merger of two or more companies to establish a new company.
Strategic financing/investment
Strategic financing, generally speaking, refers to the process in which an enterprise receives investors to raise funds with industrial synergy or other goals rather than financial returns as the sole goal. The enterprise often introduces investors who have a significant impact on the business development of the enterprise.
Strategic investment, generally speaking, refers to the behavior that the investor does not take financial returns as the only goal, but takes industrial synergy or other goals, and then puts in enough funds or monetary equivalents in kind.
Equity financing/transfer
Equity financing, generally speaking, means that the shareholders of the company are willing to give up part of their equity and introduce new shareholders' financing methods through targeted capital increase. The funds obtained can be used to enrich the company's working capital.
Generally speaking, equity transfer means that the shareholders of an enterprise transfer part or all of their shares or capital contributions to others.
Private placement
Private placement is a kind of private placement, which generally refers to the non-public offering of shares by listed companies to a few qualified specific investors.
Angel/Seed Wheel
PreA to A+wheel
PreB to B+wheel
Wheel C and above
IPO listing
Strategic financing/investment
Equity financing/transfer
Private placement
Listing status
listed company
Generally speaking, it refers to a joint stock limited company whose shares are listed and traded on a stock exchange.
Generally speaking, it refers to "RMB ordinary shares", which are ordinary shares issued by companies registered in China, issued by companies registered in China, listed in China, and available for domestic institutions, organizations or individuals (since April 1, 2013, domestic Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents can set up A-share accounts) to subscribe and trade in RMB.
China Concept Shares
The full name is "China concept stock". Generally speaking, it refers to the stock of a Chinese registered company that is listed abroad, or a company that is registered abroad but whose main business and actual controller are in the mainland, including both direct and indirect overseas listing.
Hong Kong shares
Generally speaking, it refers to the stocks listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.
New Third Board
Generally speaking, it refers to the "National Share Transfer System", which is a national securities exchange established in accordance with the Securities Law with the approval of the State Council, and mainly serves the development of innovative, entrepreneurial, and growth oriented SMEs. It originally refers to the place where the unlisted joint stock limited company of Zhongguancun Science Park enters the agency share system for transfer pilot.
New Fourth Board
Generally speaking, it refers to the "regional equity trading market", which is a place managed by the provincial local government to provide facilities and services for the non-public issuance, transfer and related activities of the securities of small and medium-sized enterprises in the provincial administrative region.
Science and technology innovation board
Generally speaking, it refers to the newly established board independent of the main board that was announced to be established and registered on November 5, 2018. It is mainly aimed at small and medium-sized start-ups that have not yet entered a mature period but have growth potential, and conform to the development direction of strategic emerging industries and the characteristics of technology and innovation.
China Concept Shares
Hong Kong shares
Science and technology innovation board
New Third Board
New Fourth Board
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