The weather network provides national and domestic city weather forecast, tourist attractions weather forecast, international city weather forecast and historical weather forecast query
 What is the reaction of inflation
What is the reaction of inflation
Inflation refers to the continuous and widespread rise in prices for a period of time caused by the devaluation of money due to the fact that the money supply is greater than the actual demand for money, that is, the real purchasing power is greater than the output supply, under the condition of currency circulation. Its essence is that the total social supply is less than the total social demand (supply is far less than demand).
finance 2024-02-23
 What is productivity? What are the basic elements of productivity
What is productivity? What are the basic elements of productivity
Productivity refers to the ability of human beings to use and transform nature, which reflects the relationship between human beings and nature. The productive forces include three basic elements: workers, means of labor and objects of labor. Labourers can be manual workers or mental workers. The means of labor refer to tools, machines, etc. used to change and affect the objects of labor, while the objects of labor refer to the natural materials processed and transformed.
finance 2024-02-23
 What is the account of prepayments? Are prepayments assets or liabilities
What is the account of prepayments? Are prepayments assets or liabilities
Prepayments belong to the asset category. Specifically, they are part of current assets. In accounting records, advance payment debit represents an increase and credit represents a decrease. Prepayments are payments made by enterprises to suppliers in advance according to purchase contracts, which usually involve the payment of monetary capital or currency equivalents. Prepayments include not only prepayments for goods, but also prepayments for purchase deposits, such as prepayments for construction projects and prepayments for materials, etc. In the balance sheet, the item "prepayment" reflects the amount prepaid by the enterprise to suppliers, which should be filled in according to the total ending debit balance of each sub item of the "prepayment" account.
finance 2024-02-23
 What currency is eur? What monetary unit is eur
What currency is eur? What monetary unit is eur
EUR can refer to the euro and Eurocode. EUR is the abbreviation of the euro, and EUR is the international currency code of the euro. The 17 members of the euro are Ireland, Austria, Belgium, Germany, France, Finland, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain, Greece, Italy, Slovenia, Cyprus, Malta, Slovakia and Estonia. They are collectively known as the Eurozone. In Hong Kong, the euro is generally called the euro.
finance 2024-02-23
 What is the meaning of telegraphic transfer? What is the settlement method of telegraphic transfer
What is the meaning of telegraphic transfer? What is the settlement method of telegraphic transfer
Telegraphic transfer is a traditional way of remittance, mainly through electronic means, including telegraph or the Global Interbank Financial Telecommunication Network (SWIFT). Telegraphic transfer is a method of exchange settlement, which is mainly used to transfer funds between companies or individuals. In the process of wire transfer, the payer deposits the money in the remitting bank, and then the bank sends the money transfer information to the branch or agent bank at the destination (the remitting bank) by telegraph or telephone, and the remitting bank pays the specified amount to the payee. T/T is applicable to many occasions, such as cross-border trade, cross-border investment, international transfer, etc. It is characterized by simple operation, fast transaction speed, and high security.
finance 2024-02-23
 The number of foreign tourists in China has increased significantly, and the inbound tourism market has entered the spring
The number of foreign tourists in China has increased significantly, and the inbound tourism market has entered the spring
In recent years, China has attracted more and more foreign tourists as a tourist destination. The number of foreign tourists coming to China has increased significantly, partly thanks to the opening policy of the Chinese government and the development of tourism. China has vigorously promoted the development of tourism, increasing the attractiveness and convenience for foreign tourists. In addition, China's cultural heritage, scenic spots Food, shopping and other attractions have also become important factors for foreign tourists to choose China as a tourist destination.
finance 2024-02-22
 The scale of northward capital inflow hit a new high since last July, and the capital inflow of China's stock funds continued to rise
The inflow of capital from the north hit a new high since last July. The inflow of capital from China's stock funds has been rising
Northbound funds refer to overseas funds entering China's stock market through mechanisms such as Shanghai Hong Kong Stock Connect and Shenzhen Hong Kong Stock Connect. With the continuous opening and reform of China's capital market, more and more foreign investors choose to flow funds into the Chinese market, benefiting from the potential of China's economic growth and the attractiveness of the market. Recently, the scale of capital inflows from the north has reached a new high since last July, and the capital inflows of China's stock funds have continued to rise.
finance 2024-02-22
 Intel successfully attracted Microsoft to win a key victory in turning around losses
Intel successfully attracted Microsoft to win a key victory in turning around losses
Intel and Microsoft are two world-famous technology giants, and their cooperation has been attracting much attention. Recently, Intel has successfully attracted Microsoft's cooperation and won a key victory in turning around losses. This cooperation is not only of great significance to the development of the two companies, but also has a profound impact on the entire technology industry. Let's take a look at the specific situation!
finance 2024-02-22
 Three major mobile payment platforms fight fiercely in Spring Festival marketing, cross-border payment consumption increased by three digits year-on-year
Three major mobile payment platforms fight fiercely in Spring Festival marketing, cross-border payment consumption increased by three digits year-on-year
The Spring Festival is a traditional festival for Chinese people, and it is also one of the most prosperous consumption periods in the whole year. At this special moment, all major mobile payment platforms will launch various preferential activities and marketing activities to attract users' attention and increase transaction volume. This is not true. Recently, three major mobile payment platforms have been engaged in Spring Festival marketing, and cross-border payment consumption has increased by three digits year-on-year, Now let's go to see the specific information!
finance 2024-02-22
 Asymmetrical "interest rate cut" will drag down the net interest margin of the banking industry or continue to be under pressure
Asymmetrical "interest rate cut" will drag down the net interest margin of the banking industry or continue to be under pressure
The impact of asymmetric "interest rate cut" policy on the net interest margin of the banking industry is a complex and lasting process, which requires the joint efforts of banks and regulators. Banks should strengthen internal management, improve profitability and reduce risks to adapt to market changes; The regulatory department should establish a sound regulatory system, guide the bank to operate reasonably, and ensure the stability and healthy development of the financial market. Now let's go to learn!
finance 2024-02-22
 What is national debt? Advantages and disadvantages of buying national debt
What is national debt? Advantages and disadvantages of buying national debt
National debt, also known as national bonds, is the relationship between creditor's rights and debt formed by the state, based on its credit and according to the general principles of debt, through raising funds from the society. National debt is a bond issued by the state. It is a kind of government bond issued by the central government to raise financial funds. It is a debt certificate issued by the central government to investors that promises to pay interest and repay principal at maturity. Since the issuing subject of national debt is the country, it has the highest credit rating and is recognized as the safest investment tool. The types of national debt include voucher national debt, bearer (physical) national debt, bookkeeping national debt, etc.
finance 2024-02-22
 What does Gini coefficient mean? What is Gini coefficient
What does Gini coefficient mean? What is Gini coefficient
Gini Coefficient is an important analytical indicator used to measure the income gap of residents in a country or region. The economic meaning of Gini coefficient is that the proportion of the income used for uneven distribution in the total income of all residents. The maximum Gini coefficient is 1. It means that the income distribution among residents is absolutely uneven, that is, 100% of the income is owned by one unit of people; The minimum is 0. It means that the income distribution among residents is absolutely average, that is, the income among people is completely equal without any difference. But these two situations are only absolute forms in theory, and generally do not occur in real life. Therefore, the actual value of Gini coefficient can only be between 0 and 1.
finance 2024-02-22
 What is the meaning of fund? What is the meaning of fund
What is the meaning of fund? What is the meaning of fund
Fund is a kind of financial product, which gathers the funds of many investors through the capital pool, and is managed and invested by specific institutions to obtain income. The main types of funds include securities investment funds, trust investment funds, provident funds, insurance funds, retirement funds, etc. In daily life, people usually refer to securities investment funds as funds. By issuing usufruct certificates (fund shares) to investors, securities investment funds concentrate social funds and entrust them to professional fund management institutions to invest in various assets, such as stocks, bonds, money markets, real estate, etc., to maintain and increase value.
finance 2024-02-22
 What does per capita GDP mean
What does per capita GDP mean
Per capita GDP, that is, per capita GDP, refers to the total value of social final products and services produced by a country or region in a certain period of time (usually one year), calculated on the basis of the average population. It is a value calculated by comparing the gross domestic product (GDP) realized in the accounting period of a country with the permanent population (or registered population) of the country. GDP per capita is one of the main macroeconomic indicators of a country, which is usually used to measure or express the economic development of a country, reflecting the economic prosperity and economic level of a country or region.
finance 2024-02-22
 What does urban investment bond mean? How to buy urban investment bond
What does urban investment bond mean? How to buy urban investment bond
Urban investment bonds, fully known as urban investment and construction bonds, are a specific type of bonds. The issuers of urban investment bonds are usually local government investment and financing platform companies, which are responsible for the construction or operation of urban infrastructure, with the purpose of raising funds for local economic and social development. Urban investment bonds are issued in a variety of ways, including but not limited to corporate bonds, corporate bonds, medium-term notes, short-term financing bonds and private directional financing instruments (PPNs). These bonds are usually regarded as quasi municipal bonds, because they are mainly used for public welfare or quasi public welfare projects, such as urban infrastructure construction, environmental governance, etc., and local governments usually provide certain credit support or guarantee.
finance 2024-02-22