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Food recommendation

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 How to make Kung Pao Chicken

How to make Kung Pao Chicken

1. Wash and dice carrots and cucumbers; 2. Dice chicken breast and marinate it for 10 minutes with seasoned wine, pepper and starch salt. Add some cooking oil to lock the water; 3. Heat the oil in the pan and stir fry the chicken breast cubes until cooked; 4. In the pot, leave the base oil and stir fry the pepper on low heat until fragrant. Then put the onion, garlic and bean paste to stir up the fragrance; 5. Add diced carrots and stir fry until raw, then add diced chicken and cucumber and stir fry; 6. Pour in the mixed sauce and let it cool down. [Detailed]

Common sense of life

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 The story of how the Lantern Festival came into being Legend of the origin of the Lantern Festival

The story of how the Lantern Festival came into being Legend of the origin of the Lantern Festival

The Lantern Festival is a traditional Chinese festival, which originated in the Western Han Dynasty and is related to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. According to legend, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty lit a lamp to worship Taiyi God on the first day of the lunar month, and since then this day has gradually been designated as a major festival. Another view is that the Lantern Festival originated in the period of Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty and was set up to commemorate the suppression of the "Rebellion of Zhulu". [Detailed]

scenic spot

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 2024 The Best Route to Yunnan The Best Route Arrangement for Yunnan Tourism

2024 The Best Route to Yunnan The Best Route Arrangement for Yunnan Tourism

If you are traveling in Yunnan for the first time, the most classic route recommended is Kunming → Dali → Lijiang → Lugu Lake → Shangri La. There are many classic lines in this route, and they are all concentrated in one line. There are airports in every place, and many cities across the country have direct flights. The transportation is also very convenient. You can match it according to your own time. [Detailed]

World wonders

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