Woocommerce Mall

Woocommerce's original Chinese theme and Woocommerce video tutorials, themes and website building knowledge for domestic users help you build a practical shopping mall website using wordpress, support domestic and international payment methods, support paypal, Alipay and WeChat payment, and build your own B2C shopping mall

  •  Woocommerce allows you to search plug-ins that contain product attributes

    Woocommerce allows you to search plug-ins that contain product attributes

    one thousand four hundred and six zero

    Search Attributes for WooCommerce allows the search to include the Woocommerce commodity attribute in the Woocommerce Mall. We can set the commodity attribute to add to the commodity, so that the commodity will have various attributes for us to filter. As shown in the figure below, in the setting of WEB theme parks, the commodity attributes of woocommerce can be used as the multiple attributes of a horizontal version

  •  WOOCommerce print express bill/shipment bill plug-in

    WOOCommerce print express bill/shipment bill plug-in

    five thousand eight hundred and forty-one one

    The WooCommerce Print Invoice&Delivery Note plug-in for printing documents introduced that when Woocommerce was used as a mall, a customer asked us to print a delivery order or delivery note. If you fill in the delivery order or delivery note manually, it would be a very troublesome matter for mall operators with many orders. Here we found and sinicized

  •  WOOCommerce Distribution and Freight Settings New Topic This Calculation Method Tutorial

    WOOCommerce Distribution and Freight Settings New Topic This Calculation Method Tutorial

    five thousand seven hundred and thirteen zero

    Woocommerce Freight and Delivery Settings Detailed Video Tutorial Extraction Code: 6qqh [Baidu Cloud currently does not allow sharing without extraction code, so extraction code is required, please pay attention to copy the extraction code to download or watch online] On March 16, 2019, we updated and optimized the freight calculation and display method of our Woocommerce advanced theme reproduction details page. The above video introduction

  •  WordPress marketing promotion commission plug-in woocommerce advanced theme has been compatible

    WordPress marketing promotion commission plug-in woocommerce advanced theme has been compatible

    seven thousand five hundred and sixty-four zero

    Introduction to WordPress marketing promotion commission rebate plug-in and precautions for Woocommerce compatibility WordPress marketing promotion commission rebate plug-in is a promotion commission rebate plug-in developed by Xunhu Network, that is, registered users can get a promotion link and send it to their friends or other places for promotion. When someone clicks this link to buy a product, they will give the sharer a commission rebate, This will

  •  WOOCOMMERCE Group Buying (Plug in) Function Introduction

    WOOCOMMERCE Group Buying (Plug in) Function Introduction

    six thousand three hundred and eighty zero

    Woocommerce Group Buying Plug in Introduction Woocommerce Group Buying Plug in is a Woocommerce Group Buying Plug in developed by Youxunhu Network, which can realize the functions of group opening, group leader preferential price, group buying number reaching the successful group buying preferential price and unsuccessful refund. This plug-in needs to be purchased for a fee. For payment, please go to the official website of Xunhuo Network to purchase: WooCommercial

  •  [Optimization Guide] WOOCommerce attribute keyword combination SEO optimization function

    [Optimization Guide] WOOCommerce attribute keyword combination SEO optimization function

    five thousand seven hundred and sixteen zero

    Before the optimization of WOOCommerce product attribute combination keywords for website SEO, when communicating with WOOCommerce theme users in the WEB theme park, we discussed the impact of WOOCommerce product attributes on SEO. Through observation, it was found that some real estate websites, choosing house type+region+decoration and other attributes, were unusually good in the search engine, so in the combination of keywords search

  •  WOOCommerce receiving address three-level linkage fully customized plug-in

    WOOCommerce receiving address three-level linkage fully customized plug-in

    five thousand five hundred and ninety-three thirteen

    Before the original intention of developing the three-level linkage function of WOOCommerce's receiving address, we developed a plug-in: WOOCommerce customized China's linkage provinces/cities/institutions and other distribution plug-ins, which can completely customize and specify China's provinces and cities, so that some users who need to specify a distribution range and address of a distribution institution can easily let users choose the specified address. There is

  •  [Download small plug-ins for free] WOOCommerce paid reading plug-in

    [Download small plug-ins for free] WOOCommerce paid reading plug-in

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    Woocommerce pay read plug-in Woocommerce pay read recently some friends asked whether Woocommerce can realize the function of reading after payment. The original function of Woocommerce is only the sale of virtual goods, that is, the function of downloading after payment. The paid reading function woocommerce itself does not have this function, but woocommerce

  •  WOOCommerce wholesalers - different price functions for users at different levels

    WOOCommerce wholesalers - different price functions for users at different levels

    six thousand two hundred and twenty two

    Before building a wholesale website with multi-level users and different prices based on WooCommerce Role Based Price and user role editor, we were compatible with the membership system plug-in of woocommerce -- woocommerce memberships can freely create multiple members and open member discounts, but this membership plug-in can only achieve a certain percentage of member level or

  •  Woocommerce customizes the distribution plug-ins of provinces/cities/institutions in China

    Woocommerce customizes the distribution plug-ins of provinces/cities/institutions in China

    five thousand six hundred and seventy-eight two

    The WOOCommerce plug-in for customizing optional distribution regions in Chinese provinces has a very powerful function of downloading WOOCommerce, which corresponds to a lot of languages and can be used in a lot of countries and regions. Therefore, when WOOCommerce is linked at the provincial and municipal levels in various countries and regions, there will be some deficiencies. Take China as an example. At present, WOOCommerce's own resources can

  •  WOOCOMMERCE MEMBERSHIPS Member Level Video Tutorial

    WOOCOMMERCE MEMBERSHIPS Member Level Video Tutorial

    seven thousand nine hundred and four seven

    Woocommerce memberships Member Level Plug in Video Tutorial We recorded the usage of the Woocommerce memberships Member Level Plug in. You can download the video to view the reference locally. Baidu Cloud Download: [Go to download] We have also made a Chinese package for free sharing for woocommerce memberships. If you are in woocommerce member

  •  WOOCOMMERCE Smart Coupons Video Tutorial

    WOOCOMMERCE Smart Coupons Video Tutorial

    seven thousand two hundred and sixty-nine four

    WOOCOMMERCE Smart Coupons Video Tutorial We recorded the use of smart coupons for you, as well as the way of the order collection reminder function for promotional activities. You can download this video tutorial for reference. Video tutorial online disk download: [Click to download] We have provided a Chinese package for this plug-in. If you have this plug-in, you can

  •  WOOCommerce Mall theme opens customer support function (plug-in compatibility introduction)

    WOOCommerce Mall theme opens customer support function (plug-in compatibility introduction)

    six thousand one hundred and five zero

    Recently, we developed plug-in compatibility for the woocommerce theme of the WEB theme park, which is compatible with two plug-ins that can open customer support. In addition to our online customer service, such as QQ customer service, telephone customer service, Wangwang customer service and online web page dialogue customer service, we can also use the web page question and answer mode of customer support, which can be question and answer

  •  Cloud portal series theme video tutorial and data import

    Cloud portal series theme video tutorial and data import

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    For the cloud portal series theme video tutorial and data import, please pay attention to the difference between three versions when reading below: woocommerce mall version, wordpress portal version and free version. Video tutorial of cloud portal series version (common for all versions) Video tutorial download and play address: [Go to the online disk to download] (it is recommended to download to watch locally)

  •  Cloud enterprise woocommerce mall theme supporting video tutorial

    Cloud enterprise woocommerce mall theme supporting video tutorial

    six thousand four hundred and seven zero

    This tutorial is a video tutorial of the cloud enterprise woocommerce mall theme and the cloud enterprise ordinary enterprise wordpress theme. Please pay attention to the difference in reading. The supporting video tutorial of the cloud enterprise wordpress theme mainly explains some unique functions of the theme, while other common functions, such as the article system, the woocommerce commodity system, and so on, are recorded

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