Site Templates FAQ

We have summarized some problems in the use of wordpress themes, and published them in this section. If you have problems in the use of wordpress, you can look in this section, and you may find helpful information.

  •  The wp sitemap. xml automatically generated by wordpress displays 404 errors

    The wp sitemap. xml automatically generated by wordpress displays 404 errors

    two hundred and eighty-two zero

    The problem with the automatically generated site map 404 supported by WordPress since 5.5 may be caused by the fact that WordPress has provided its own site map xml since 5.5. With this function, you do not need to use plug-ins to generate it. During the use process, some users encounter the automatically generated wp sitemap. xml displaying 404 errors. Generally speaking, these errors may be caused by the following reasons

  •  Several ways of using wordpress to make multilingual website switching

    Several ways of using wordpress to make multilingual website switching

    one thousand nine hundred and nineteen zero

    Using wordpress website to create multilingual websites for switching is a way required by many enterprises. Here we summarize several ways to switch multilingual websites, and introduce the advantages and disadvantages of these ways. You can judge your actual needs from these ways, so as to choose the corresponding way to establish the switching of multilingual websites. Using Google Translate plugin, single

  •  Solution to slow down websites with third-party codes such as Aifanfan and Baidu Business Bridge

    Solution to slow down websites with third-party codes such as Aifanfan and Baidu Business Bridge

    four thousand six hundred and seventy-one zero

    Third party codes such as Aifanfan, Baidu Business Bridge and other tools slow down the website. Many users will encounter slow website speeds when using third-party tools such as online dialogue tools such as Aifanfan, Baidu Business Bridge and other codes. The original website loading speed is not very fast, but it will be slow after the third-party code is added, The clear is Baidu Business Bridge (

  •  The best implementation scheme for the effect of memcached object cache+static cache

    The best implementation scheme for the effect of memcached object cache+static cache

    three thousand and forty one

    Memcached In multiple sites, multiple sites need to implement caching Memcached is an essential part of WordPress object caching mechanism. When using object caching, pay attention to the server's need to install memcached extensions. To open the object cache, you need to add the code to open the cache in your configuration file (wp config. php): find in the configuration file:/* OK

  •  Common problems and solutions of one click import of demonstration data

    Common problems and solutions of one click import of demonstration data

    four thousand five hundred and seven two

    After the introduction of the one click import demo data function, the workload required for importing data demo data is greatly reduced, and the professionalism required is also greatly reduced. As long as WordPress, themes, and plug-ins can be installed, it is very convenient to import performance data by yourself. But the theme produced before 2019 (after 19 years, the theme has changed the structure, there will be no question

  •  WordPress uses Linux server (pagoda) environment security and optimization strategy

    WordPress uses Linux server (pagoda) environment security and optimization strategy

    five thousand six hundred and twenty-one zero

    Foreword: Prevent web attacks, hang horses, make your WordPress more secure, visit faster must do a good job of security strategy and optimization Recently, the WEB theme park has received a lot of websites hang horses, be attacked leading to unsafe website access, slow access and a series of other problems. When helping these users solve these problems, we found that many users are deploying their own websites, The server...

  •  WordPress theme redevelopment - detailed instructions on using sub themes

    WordPress theme redevelopment - detailed instructions on using sub themes

    six thousand nine hundred and ninety-three zero

    Why do we use sub themes to provide secondary development of paid themes for WordPress theme secondary development WEB theme parks? The secondary development we provide can be delivered in two forms: 1. Add additional content to the theme, such as adding modules, options, and functions, and deliver in the form of plug-ins. 2. Modify the content of the existing theme, such as modifying the inner page template, modifying

  •  WordPress is unable to publish new articles and pages, prompting you to edit the page displaying the latest articles

    WordPress is unable to publish new articles and pages, prompting you to edit the page displaying the latest articles

    six thousand and eighty-six zero

    When WordPress publishes new articles and pages, it displays "You are editing the page showing the latest article." Recently, a user encountered this problem. When editing an article normally, the database was stuck. After restarting the server, click the new article, and the main editor disappears, prompting "You are editing the page showing the latest article." When you enter a new post or new page

  •  [Prompt] The WOOCommerce website that has not been set to send emails may have a stuck breakpoint

    [Prompt] The WOOCommerce website that has not been set to send emails may have a stuck breakpoint

    five thousand four hundred and forty-two zero

    Some problems may occur if the function of sending email is not configured for WOOCommerce versions above 3.40. By default, WOOCommerce will send email to remind users when registering, placing orders, making payments, modifying passwords, and changing orders. In some servers, the mail function is not disabled, but the mail cannot be sent due to the configuration, so it may be necessary to register, pay, etc

  •  404, 403, 500, 502 of WordPress installation and use and solutions

    404, 403, 500, 502 of WordPress installation and use and solutions

    eight thousand one hundred and eighty-nine zero

    Common status prompt codes for incorrect website access: 404, 403, 500, 502. When we use WordPress to create websites, we will encounter some problems. Generally, there are two cases. The first case is the program error: the program error usually directly displays an error or warning prompt on the top of the website or other parts of the website, such as error: Notice:....、  w...

  •  Solution to the problem that MP4 video cannot be played in the webpage

    Solution to the problem that MP4 video cannot be played in the webpage

    ten thousand three hundred and twelve zero

    We have met many friends who play MP4 videos on the web. When making websites, we will put a video to introduce company information or products. If we use third-party video media such as Youku Tudou, there will be longer advertisements, which will have a certain impact on our video playing. Then we generally recommend that you upload an mp4 video directly

  •  Some function settings of WordPress for multiple authors to publish articles together

    Some function settings of WordPress for multiple authors to publish articles together

    six thousand eight hundred and fifty-one zero

    WordPress's multi author collaborative publishing article management website uses WordPress to build a CMS website. We usually use multiple authors or editors for management, so that our website can be more easily managed. We know that WordPress users have several permissions, ranging from administrator, editor, author, contributor and subscriber.   ...

  •  Complete backup of wordpress website data

    Complete backup of wordpress website data

    seven thousand three hundred and eighty zero

    WordPress complete data backup When we use WordPress to build a website, we need to back up the website data after the website is established, to prevent data loss caused by website server data loss or other circumstances. Therefore, website data backup is very important. If this happens, we will work hard to make and upload good data

  •  Wordpress error: PCLZIP_ERR_MISSING_FILE (- 4)

    Wordpress error: PCLZIP_ERR_MISSING_FILE (- 4)

    five thousand nine hundred and fifty-one one

    Wordpress reports an error when installing the theme plug-in or updating: PCLZIP_ERR_MISSING_FILE (- 4) reports an error when installing the theme, plug-in or updating in Wordpress: Prompt: PCLZIP_ERR_MISSING_FILE (- 4): Missing archive file 'C: WINDOWS TEMP/*. tmp' This error is generally reported by the Windows system host. This error is caused by

  •  An unknown error has occurred, possibly because does not work properly

    An unknown error has occurred, possibly because does not work properly

    five thousand nine hundred and forty-one zero

    Many friends have asked about the error prompted when installing the WordPress plug-in online or updating the theme of the plug-in. Here is a unified answer for you. The complete error prompt is: "An unknown error has occurred. It may be because does not work properly or the local configuration is incorrect. If the problem persists, please visit the Chinese support forum."

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