WordPress Block Theme Tutorial

This list is a tutorial for using the WordPress block theme. The block theme is a new generation framework theme based on the WordPress Gutenberg editor developed by the WEB theme park. The theme of typesetting is based on the Gutenberg editor. The tutorials here cover the use of blocks, template mounting, classification, and the use of article pages, Help you use it better.

  •  Translatepress - multi-functional language switching plug-in for local storage

    Translatepress - multi-functional language switching plug-in for local storage

    two hundred and thirteen zero

    TranslatePress, a multi-functional language switching plug-in based on local storage, previously we introduced Gtranslate, an automatic translation multilingual plug-in based on Google API. This is a front-end translation plug-in based on Google API. The free version cannot provide actual translation pages, but real-time translation, so it cannot be included in search engines. today...

  •  Gtranslate - Introduction to the use of automatic translation multilingual plug-in based on Google API

    Gtranslate - Introduction to the use of automatic translation multilingual plug-in based on Google API

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    Translate WordPress – Google Language Translator The translation plug-in based on Google API In foreign trade sites, many users hope that the site can be adapted to multiple languages. If the site is a small number of languages, it can be manually translated through multiple sites, but if the demand is dozens of languages, the workload of manual translation sites is too large. So

  •  Use Tencent Cloud SMS to verify the form - super block wordpress enterprise theme tutorial

    Use Tencent Cloud SMS to verify the form - super block wordpress enterprise theme tutorial

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    Using Tencent cloud SMS service to add super block WordPress theme - standard version form verification Many users have a very good experience with super block series theme forms. Gutenberg editor can modify and edit the content of the form at will, and has the function of statistics and data export, which makes inquiry very convenient. In previous versions, forms for mobile phone numbers

  •  Pop up form and advertisement function at the bottom of the website - wordpress block theme

    Pop up form and advertisement function at the bottom of the website - wordpress block theme

    eight hundred and fifty-two zero

    Pop up window at the bottom of the website: click the button to pop up the consultation form function and advertising function. In the super block WordPress Theme Standard Version 2.48, we have added a bottom pop-up function. This function can be used as a pop-up advertising, consultation form, registration form when you first enter the website, or as a function of clicking the button to trigger the pop-up form filling. Currently, 2 modes are supported

  •  Add products to the consultation list Send inquiry form Wordpress block subject

    Add products to the consultation list Send inquiry form Wordpress block subject

    nine hundred and thirty-four zero

    Very useful function of foreign trade inquiry: add products to the inquiry list and send inquiries Recently, many foreign trade friends and we proposed a function that needs to be added to the inquiry list to send inquiries for multiple products. Many foreign trade friends list a lot of products on the official website, and customers may need a variety of products for consultation, If the consultation form corresponds to each product, then send

  •  Use wordpress block template to quickly publish content with consistent format

    Use wordpress block template to quickly publish content with consistent format

    two thousand nine hundred and sixty-three zero

    Gutenberg's editor is really good at typesetting, but it is better to publish content in a unified format with a classic editor. The above words are feedback from many customers. Gutenberg is really good at single page typesetting, but after the single page and the product are only well typesetting, our work starts from making the layout design of the website, To increase the content of the website. Add Network

  •  The whole process of wordpress installation and theme initialization import demo data configuration

    The whole process of wordpress installation and theme initialization import demo data configuration

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    Jump to the tutorial directory Wordpress installation process Authorize the domain name to install the theme Install the plug-in Import data Wordpress installation process This chapter is a tutorial for installing the main wordpress program. If you have installed wordpress yourself, you can skip this paragraph. It is recommended that we first need a server or

  •  Creating a Colorful Suspended Website Header - Wordpress Block Theme Tutorial

    Creating a Colorful Suspended Website Header - Wordpress Block Theme Tutorial

    one thousand one hundred and forty-five zero

    The changeable floating head can keep the website head in the style of two color matching. In some sites with larger and more magnificent designs, the changeable website head often appears: when visiting the website, when entering the website and not starting to scroll, the website head adopts the style of integration with the top banner, and when starting to scroll to visit the content on the next screen of the website, The website head will hover over the top

  •  Wordpress navigation drop-down switch multiple content - use of block template

    Wordpress navigation drop-down switch multiple content - use of block template

    one thousand five hundred and five zero

    The navigation dropdown switches multiple content to show more classified content such as products and services. On the navigation, the following is a screenshot preview of the function of the dropdown switch. We can see this style in many multi product sites: after expansion, we launch this function in the super block WordPress theme - Standard Version 2.03, in which our

  •  Linked multiple filtering wordpress block - classification level and associated label filtering

    Linked multiple filtering wordpress block - classification level and associated label filtering

    one thousand three hundred and twenty-three zero

    Introduction to wordpress linked multi filtering Gutenberg block: AJAX non refresh results of linked multi-level classification and related tags show that wordpress multi filtering Gutenberg block is a new functional block launched in the WordPress theme standard version 1.99 of the super block. This block is filtered based on wordpress classification directory and tags. Filter Function Introduction

  •  Use all in one wp migration to migrate wordpress websites

    Use all in one wp migration to migrate wordpress websites

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    Using Wordpress plug-in to migrate websites One click migration of Wordpress websites is something that many friends need to do in the process of creating websites. Generally, the traditional migration method is cumbersome, which is troublesome for those who do not know the technology. They need to separately package website files, export database data files, upload them to new servers, modify configuration documents Modify Database Data

  •  Wordpress Theme Block Template Function Description

    Wordpress Theme Block Template Function Description

    two thousand five hundred and sixty-two zero

    Wordpress block template: the built-in module templates of various types help to create super blocks of various types of pages. WordPress theme - the standard version has recently updated version 1.92. After accumulating 92 versions of the updated content, it finally attracted Wordpress's powerful template function. This update has added 158 block templates, It is very easy to create various types of

  •  Baidu Map Access Application (AK) Application Process

    Baidu Map Access Application (AK) Application Process

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    What is the role of Baidu Map Access Application (AK), and is it charged? The super block WordPress theme standard version developed by the WEB theme park provides a Baidu map block. You can use this block to call Baidu map, so that your company, factory, store and other geographical location information can be provided to customers on the website. The default Baidu map visit provided by the current theme

  •  Wordpress block: embedded content block - embedded Google Maps and other content

    Wordpress block: embedded content block - embedded Google Maps and other content

    one thousand five hundred and ninety-six zero

    Wordpress embeds content blocks, references external page resources, embeds Google Maps and other resources embeds content blocks, which is a new content block added in version 1.75 of the super block Wordpress theme. This block can easily let you embed external resources, such as Google Maps, YouTube videos, and other external resources. Just fill in the url of external resources, and you can easily adjust the

  •  Wordpress block: linear filter block - multi-level linkage selection and ajax no refresh filter result description

    Wordpress block: linear filter block - multi-level linkage selection and ajax no refresh filter result description

    one thousand six hundred and ninety-five zero

    Linear filtering block -- allows users to select multi-level classifications and associated labels to quickly and accurately find products. The linear filtering block is a new function block added by the WEB theme park according to the suggestions and needs of many customers. In this block, the first option can manually select to use multiple high-level classifications, and the second option will automatically call his secondary classification, The third option calls the third level

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