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What does keyword density mean

ZTOL SEO Tutorial 2023-10-12 1 thousand and 300 zero

You may be curious, what is keyword density? In short, keyword density refers to the percentage of the number of target keywords in the total number of words on the page in the same page.

If the total number of words in a web page remains unchanged, the keyword density will increase with the increase of the number of keywords; On the contrary, if the number of keywords decreases, the keyword density will decrease.

Generally speaking, it is recommended to control the keyword density within 10%.

The recommended approach is to control the keyword density between 3% and 8%. Of course, this is not a rigid number. The keyword density can be slightly higher than 9%, or even close to 10%, but it is not recommended to exceed this limit.

But please remember, it is not advisable to damage the quality of articles in order to pursue keyword density.

Although keyword density is very important, the readability of articles must not be sacrificed to pursue keyword density. We need to find a balance between keyword density and article readability. In short, a good article should not only control the keyword density, but also ensure that the content is easy to understand and read.

In addition, the distribution of keywords should be reasonable.

Keywords should be reasonably distributed on the page, rather than stacked together. Don't focus a large number of keywords at the beginning of the article, but hardly at the middle and end of the article (of course, it is acceptable if this does not affect the user experience).

In short, the function of keyword density is to convey relevant information about the content and topic of the article to search engines, which is quite important. However, it should be noted that keyword density is not the only determinant of article quality.


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