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Tesla's delivery volume in the second quarter may continue to decline year-on-year. Wall Street generally expects to deliver 450000 vehicles

[TechWeb] On June 27, according to foreign media reports, the second quarter will end in four days, and the output and delivery of major new energy vehicle manufacturers will also be gradually announced. Tesla, which is in the forefront, will usually announce on the second day after the end of a quarter.

After the first quarter, when the output and delivery both declined on a year-on-year basis, what kind of report will Tesla hand over in the second quarter is also a matter of concern to the outside world.

However, for Tesla's second quarter, investment banks generally believe that the delivery volume will continue to decline year-on-year.

Foreign media mentioned in the report that Wall Street generally expects Tesla to deliver 450000 electric vehicles in the upcoming second quarter, which will be less than 466140 vehicles in the second quarter of last year.

The foreign media also mentioned in the report that, as in the previous quarter, as analysts adjusted their expectations in the last week, their expectations for Tesla's delivery in the second quarter may decline, and analysts have given expectations that are significantly lower than 450000 vehicles.

In the first quarter of this year, the production and delivery of Tesla's electric vehicles both declined on a year-on-year basis, of which the production of 433371 was lower than 440808 vehicles in the same period of last year and 494989 vehicles in the fourth quarter of last year; The delivery volume of 386810 was again lower than 400000 vehicles after four quarters, lower than 422875 vehicles in the first quarter of last year and 484507 vehicles in the fourth quarter of last year.

However, whether Tesla's final delivery in the second quarter will continue to decline year-on-year as expected by analysts will be revealed after their official announcement. However, no matter whether it declines year on year or not, the 450000 vehicles currently widely expected by Wall Street will still increase significantly month on month. (Sea Blue)

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