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Huawei Mate60 Pro was awarded the "Most Worth Buying Digital Product Award" by TechWeb 2023

[TechWeb] On January 15, it was reported that Huawei Mate60 Pro won the "TechWeb 2023 Excellence Award", which is the most worthy digital product purchase award. This year's "Heli Award" is sponsored by TechWeb Content Department, aiming to select the best companies, products and services that can affect people's lives and best in the year through the votes of users and industry figures.

There is no doubt that the most shocking moment in the smartphone industry in 2023 is the sudden release of Huawei Mate60 Pro. On August 29, without a press conference, Huawei rushed to hot search. Huawei returned with quasi 5G and self-developed chip Kirin 9000s.

The significance of Huawei Mate60 Pro is no longer limited to the smart phone industry, but also the pride of Chinese people. It represents the breakthrough and innovation of China's mobile phone industry, demonstrates the competitiveness of Chinese enterprises in the global market, reflects the rise and development of China's technology industry, and makes Chinese people proud of their achievements. The launch of Huawei MATE60pro is not only a product release, but also a demonstration of China's strength, providing better choices for global consumers and demonstrating the vigorous development of China's science and technology.

The expert panel of "TechWeb 2023 Excellence Award" includes 20 opinion leaders from smart cars, mobile digital, Internet services and other industries, and their respective matrix users amount to 30 million.

"Heli" was originally quoted from Cao Zhi's famous work "Ode to the Goddess of Luo", which describes that the crane stands with its feet extended and its wings spread. We hope that the Heli Prize can find those outstanding people who are different from others in a variety of products, and also hope that the award-winning enterprises can live up to the expectations of others and make their products and services better.

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