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Baichuan Intelligent and Kunlun World Wide launched a migration plan for OpenAl API users

[TechWeb] On June 26, OpenAI announced yesterday that it would block API traffic from non supported countries and regions from July 9 this year. Since then, developers from mainland China, Hong Kong, China and other places will not be able to use the OpenAI API to provide services.

The ban notice of OpenAI has excited many large model manufacturers in China. Alibaba Tongyi, Zhipu, OneThing and others rushed to launch the "move" service yesterday - enterprises using OpenAI API to build products or services can "seamlessly" move their business to their large models.

Yesterday evening, Baichuan Intelligent and Kunlun Wanwei also launched their own migration plans.

Baichuan Intelligent launched the OpenAI zero cost migration plan, and also gave 10 million tokens for free. The Assistants API is free to use, and Baichuan technical experts can answer questions at any time. The API migration can be completed in five minutes.

In May this year, Baichuan Intelligent released the latest generation of base model Baichuan 4. Compared with foreign mainstream models, Baichuan 4 is significantly better than foreign models in terms of knowledge encyclopedia, long text, creation and other liberal arts Chinese tasks. At that time, Baichuan Intelligent also announced the opening of four APIs, namely Baichuan 4, Baichuan 3 Turbo, Baichuan 3 Turbo 128k, and Assistant API. All developers and enterprise users can log in to the Baichuan Intelligent Developer Center to select and access the corresponding API.

In order to help developers efficiently switch to the domestic big model, Kunlun World Wide Web launched a "one click move plan" for OpenAl API users on its Tiangong open platform, and provided 150 million Tokens of API call resources (including Tiangong 2.0 and Tiangong 3.0 models). Developers will also enjoy exclusive technical support for Tiangong migration services.

In April this year, the big base model of Tiangong 3.0 was open for public testing. According to reports, Tiangong 3.0 has 400 billion parameters, surpassing the Grok-1 with 314 billion parameters, and is the world's largest open source MoE model. Tiangong 3.0 has a breakthrough performance improvement in semantic understanding, logical reasoning, universality, generalization, uncertain knowledge, learning ability and other fields. (appropriate month)

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