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Zeng Yuqun of Ningde Times: With the technology of power exchange, it's OK to buy only the body of a car

Recently, the 2022 Global New Energy Vehicle Conference was held, and the boss of Ningde Times also issued many "golden sentences" at the conference.

Zeng Yuqun said that the power replacement technology of the Ningde era can even let users buy only the car body, which can save a lot of costs by sharing power replacement and battery rental.

In the first half of this year, Ningde Times launched EVOGO, a power replacement brand, which enables consumers to rent electricity on demand. At present, this service has been launched in Xiamen and Hefei.

According to Zeng Yuqun, based on this power change mode, assuming that a pure electric vehicle originally sold for 120000 to 140000 yuan, consumers can buy a car body for only 60000 to 80000 yuan through the separation of car and electricity, and then choose a variety of battery rental and power change service schemes according to the actual use scenario.

For household cars, the cost of renting and replacing batteries can also save a lot of money each month compared with the cost of refueling fuel vehicles.

For online car hailing, choose the electric vehicle with chocolate battery pack/power exchange panel (EVOGO specially launched the mass production battery designed for sharing power exchange). Compared with the original waiting time for tram charging, the waiting time for tram charging can be used for operation services, so the driver can also increase the income of more than 1000 yuan per month.

In addition, on August 27, Ningde Times also held a press conference on the landing model of Kirin battery, at which it was officially revealed that the first batch of landing brands of Kirin battery were confirmed, which were Intergen and Polar Krypton.

It is reported that due to the structural change of the Ningde era CTP3.0 Kirin battery, under the same chemical system and the same size of the battery pack, the power of the Kirin battery pack has increased by 13% compared with the 4680 system, and the energy density can reach 255Wh/kg, which can achieve the 1000 km endurance of the whole vehicle.

Among them, the battery thermal management system has made a major change, from the bottom liquid cooling to the side cooling, which is placed between the cells, so that the cooling area has become four times of the previous, and the temperature control time of the cell has been shortened to half of the original.

In addition, it supports a 5-minute fast hot start and a 10 minute fast charge. In extreme cases, the cell can cool down rapidly, effectively blocking the abnormal heat conduction between the cells.

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