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#Flying Bird Reading Column

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Flying Bird 20 Reading 07 - Make Good Money (I)

bird   bird 2020-04-22 21:00 Reading (1741)

I have been following Jane Qi's public account for some time, and I often read her articles, but I have just finished reading the book "Make Good Money". I read it while excerpting and thinking. I even read it for about a week. Now let's make a summary.

This book is very beautiful both in theory and in practice. It should be said that it is simple and profound. I was deeply attracted by it. My financial thinking was refreshed and upgraded again, and it was also to better absorb the essence. Although some of the original words have been forgotten, the books I read have already been integrated into our minds and daily life.

Section one The essence of chapter investment is cognition

At the beginning of this chapter, the readers were asked several questions : What is making good money? Is good work equal to good money? Is managing money equal to saving money?

The author tells us through actual cases: It is not that with a good job and a good income, you will have money in the future, and your life will be very good! And financial management can never be equated with saving and saving money. Inflation is the silent killer that devours assets. You should invest to get income from work.

The first step to making money is to upgrade your thinking:

Financial freedom = Net investment income / Total expenditure Recommended value: ≥ 15% As we grow older, we need to constantly increase this ratio. When this ratio reaches 100% Congratulations, you have achieved real financial freedom and can no longer worry about money. For most people, the most suitable method is to obtain passive income through investment and financing.

I calculated the financial freedom of our family in my mind. Although it is 15% higher, it is still not high. This year, it is between 20% and 30%. There are two main reasons: The principal is too small and the investment income is not ideal After the second time of buying a house, decoration and car, the capital to manage money is really not much. In addition to the impact of the investment environment and my own limited investment ability, the income is also very low. We should work hard to accumulate the principal, study financial management knowledge, and actively practice in order to gain more benefits.

There are three stages to realize financial freedom: the first stage: awakening. The second stage: accumulate your first bucket of gold. The third stage: establish your own investment system Building a financial management system is a complicated process. In this process, I give you two tips: First, choose investment products with the attitude of choosing partners. The second is to treat your investment in the way of managing marriage. Finally, I would like to share with you one very important thing that we have been advocating—— Managing money is managing life. Investing yourself is the best investment

Reflecting on myself, I can't say what stage I am at. I should say that I am still awakening. For example, by reading financial books and learning financial knowledge and concepts in Xiaoshe and other media, I am accumulating the first bucket of money for my family, and also slowly establishing my own investment system. Of course, this system still needs too much improvement and perfection. As the author said, managing money is managing life, so this process of improvement and perfection should run through most of our lives. Finally, investing in yourself is the best investment. Yes, investing in your own work can earn more income. Investing in your own financial management can also help you better manage your financial affairs. You can get close to financial freedom as soon as possible and even achieve financial freedom. Learning financial management should also be an old age learning state. I always feel that there are too many things I don't understand and there are too many things I need to learn.

Section two Chapter pays attention to the opposite of wealth

Why are we always short of money It should be said that no matter how much money you make through investment, as long as there is a mistake of a similar scale, it is likely that the previous accumulation will fall short

Four factors leading to poverty: First, accidents. Second, disease. Third, unplanned expenditure: There are four universal rules in life - divide if you can't, buy if you like, drink more water and try again Fourth, the fragile investment system

Rich people's thinking: The same is true of becoming rich. The more actively we focus on and pursue wealth, the more likely we will become rich Three key points of having rich people's thinking: Step 1: Cross the trap of scarcity and use money as a means rather than an end In pursuit of wealth, we must also see what lies behind it. Money is a kind of resource, and the long-term value that resources bring to us in the flow and exchange is more important. We should train ourselves more about money. Step 2: Focus on long-term returns. Step 3: Think about goals before looking for resources

Check ourselves, do we have a lot of "poor people's thinking"? It is true, but it is undeniable that through learning and reflection, the thinking will also gradually change from "poor thinking" to "rich thinking".

There are two small trainings in the appendix at the end of this chapter: 1. Test wealth intimacy through self reflection. Through the test, I found that my thinking is more inclined to "rich people's thinking". Congratulations.

2. Goal training: start with the end, what is your real goal? To achieve real financial freedom, that is, even if you do not work, the income from financial management can cover all kinds of expenses in daily life, but also needs various guarantees, such as adequate insurance. What is the actual amount of money needed to achieve this goal? According to the current consumption level, assuming that the yield is about 5%, the principal should be at least 200W, of course, the more the better. How should I gather the money and other resources I need step by step? First of all, I must work hard. At present, this part of income is my main income. Secondly, we need to keep learning, improve our professional ability and other abilities, and we can also earn more money. Finally, of course, we need to make good investment and financial management, so that I can make more money from less. Every little helps make a mickle. We must remember that if we want to make good money, we need not only to work hard, but also to save money from financial management!

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