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#Reading&Essay Dragonfly

come from Cainv Reading Association ・ 35 posts ・ 217 participants

 Flying Red Dragonfly

There is no limit to life and knowledge

 Flying Red Dragonfly
Flying Red Dragonfly Flying Red Dragonfly 2019-10-09 20:01 Reading (1335)

In the chapter of Health Preserver, Chuang Tzu said:“ There is a limit in my life And there is no limit to knowing  。 Follow with the limit Endless , almost already! Those who have already become knowledgeable are almost there! ”The main idea of it is that my life is limited, but knowledge is unlimited. It is a failure to pursue unlimited knowledge with limited life; We have already known the fact that we should do more. Failure is certain.

Due to the particularity of our department, unlike some specialized departments, we need to master a lot of knowledge and technology. Although we have some knowledge, this is an advantage, but it is not proficient, which is also a disadvantage; With the promotion of professional title and the need of self-development, I expect to be able to be specialized in a certain area. These days, I have been waiting for the results of the second round of professional title evaluation, and I am very anxious. Although the first batch of hospitals have passed the second round of evaluation in the province, few of them have been dismissed, but I still feel uneasy; I read a book of Wu Jun's "Insight" every night before going to bed. Wu Jun said that some people said that he was a person who was good at using time and could do many things at the same time. He himself said that although I managed my time well, I could not do many things at the same time. My knack for doing things was just the opposite of what everyone thought Do less, or even nothing

Of course, it can't be understood from the literal meaning, but after reading this chapter, it means doing less other things, jumping out of the thinking pattern, judging the importance of a thing from another perspective, and then focusing on doing it. In fact, everyone knows the truth, but why most people are mediocre? It is because everyone is used to doing repetitive work without quality, and is used to picking up Sesame, but few people can think against convention and do the task of picking up watermelons.

Recently, I have been thinking about what I should do next? Including work and family, the initially determined direction of work is sepsis and severe infection, and the knowledge that needs further detailed study: antibiotic knowledge, antimicrobial treatment; Chest CT film reading; Lung ultrasound; Other knowledge of severe ultrasound. The project applied for this year will be concluded by the end of next year, which is a major event. We must complete it on schedule, read more relevant literature, and collect clinical data. At our age, we really do work and have a lot of family affairs every day. We remind ourselves to have a main line of work, so that we can not be busy and do nothing, but can take care of children and family affairs in our spare time.

If my life is limited, but my knowledge is limitless, and my energy is limited, then I will subtract and concentrate on the things on the edge.

However, what we should do is to remind ourselves that we should not only pick sesame seeds, but also cultivate the mind of picking watermelon.

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