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#[Column] Evolution record of pig girl with straw

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Delicate Pig Girl External Application and Internal Administration Record 18.10

MsNobody   MsNobody 2018-10-18 00:18 Reading (18568)

Welcome Focus on topics Evolution record of pig girl with straw

bustling about. Finally, I found time to update the record of this month's Pig Girl.

It coincides with the change of season. Recently, many things have been dismantled and replaced. Many things are used together, and empty bottles are slow to rise. So there is no empty bottle to write this month.

Just write something that I think is good for the recent season change.

 [Hearts] Skin care:

The old rule is to focus on skin type: 30+mature skin, dry in winter, oily in summer

1. Crazy call in the top two this month

Ranking 1: SKII Eye Mask -It's really great! I remember that I wrote bad words about her in the spring and summer before, and said that with a look of disgust! I apologize! It didn't work right then! The best way to apply this eye mask is, Don't tear off the cellophane , take it with you and apply it together. The side without cellophane is pasted around the eyes. Then what to do. I usually apply it like this for half an hour. There is cellophane that can retain moisture, which is not easy to dry. Take off the eye mask and massage it half an hour later. Against what Minor xerosis Very good effect! I haven't been able to love recently. I've been very diligent in applying. My family is running out of money, and I can't make up for it on the day... in a bad mood. If you are out of stock, go to the counter and buy it directly. Who makes him my favorite recently!

Rank 2: Guerlain Night Cream- Something written several times. Out of N pieces. There is an appointment the next day. I usually use it the night before, the last step of skin care. Or go out for a short trip to play. I also like to take this with me, so that I can bring less bottles and jars. The next morning, the skin condition will be very Full. Yes, it's the "plump" favorite of middle-aged aunts! And it is very easy to apply makeup. 888 likes~I saw the price was good when I went out this time, and I stocked up some more. After all, daily necessities are always available at home.

2. A lovely mask

Recommended by friends. Cute exploded. My girlish heart! buy whatever you want!

I saw the whole series of discount packages. Hey, hey, hey. The price performance ratio is very high, about 8 yuan each. The water replenishing effect is not bad. It's suitable for playing in dry autumn and winter.

Of course, the straw still keeps the same view. Compared with the Korean mask, I prefer the Japanese mask. There is much less macromolecular glue and the skin is more comfortable after application. Korean mask, after application, it is better to wash your face again and apply skin care products.

three Jiaolan Emperor Bee Pose Day Cream

The sample sent by the counter sister. It was stuffed in the bag when I went out for a short trip, and I found it is suitable for this dry season.

But for the old aunt, this season is not enough. The main effect of this one is Moisture After my general essence, I use this primer, and then add a layer of blue caviar cream, which feels just right. Using either one of these two alone, I feel that they are not as good as magic. It suits me very well. I haven't decided whether I will buy it after using it. Wait until I see if there are any substitutes in the cabinet. After all, I am a thrifty girl.

four About mud rolling

It's cold. When using heavy maintenance products, it's obvious that the frequency of mud rubbing is getting higher and higher. So I went to look through the articles for scientific explanations (transferred from Teacher Niuer's microblog). Share the key points here for the reference of girls who need them:

1) The main reasons for mud rolling are:

-The formula of skin care products (including macromolecular glue, etc.) or the overlapping of several products is easy to rub mud.

-Skin cutin is too thick and skin is too dry

-Incorrect use procedure of skin care products- Do not apply foundation or sunscreen immediately after products containing high molecular glue, which may produce white shavings (I often encounter...)

2) Coping methods

- Moderate and regular exfoliation. Daily moisturizing

-Products easy to rub mud can be considered Press mode. In terms of time, wait until the previous product is completely absorbed before applying the second product.

-The same brand products are less likely to be used together than multiple brands.

 [Hearts] About health preservation

1. Eating Chinese medicine

Recently, he began to take Chinese medicine for health preservation. It has to be said that the older you get, the more profound you will be. Who would have thought that two years ago, I was still a person who sniffed at TCM... Tut, young or naive.

One of the opportunities for taking Chinese medicine this time is that my aunt was a little abnormal in July and August. All have Ovulatory hemorrhage And the duration is not short. I checked some popular science articles myself, saying generally: "The bleeding time varies from 2-3 hours to 1-2 days, and it stops confidently. Occasionally, and the duration is short, you can not worry too much, and do not need treatment. If it occurs repeatedly, for more than three consecutive months, or more bleeding, and the duration is long (more than three days or even a week)." Or if you have severe abdominal pain and other symptoms, you need to go to the hospital as soon as possible. "

In my case, it has occurred for two consecutive months and lasted for a long time. Each time, it has an upward trend of one week and the amount is not small. So I hurriedly went to the hospital for B ultrasound, and everything was normal. So I went to the old doctor. After seeing, hearing, inquiring and understanding the symptoms, the bleeding stopped immediately the next day after prescribing the medicine. It can be said that it is very excellent! So I will continue to drink for a period of time to nourish my body. Thanks for the old Chinese medicine doctor my mother found for me. The prescription is really powerful. You can obviously feel that your life is well nourished. The whole person is energetic. awesome!

Here Knock a small blackboard As for bleeding during ovulation, we can pay proper attention to it. My feeling is that most of the women around me have encountered it, which may have something to do with being too tired, not having a good rest, etc. According to the paragraph I copied above, you should pay proper attention to it, If the amount is small and the time is short, don't care too much. If the amount is large and the time is long and occurs for several consecutive months, be sure to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Don't be too nervous, but don't be too dismissive. After all, for women, aunts are still a good indicator of their health. Don't ignore them.

2. Coarse grain almond boiled egg

The recent diet is very simple. There is not much fancy health care.

Seriously, the frequency of eating out is very low. Try to eat at home as much as possible (thank you for cooking carefully). The whole body feels much more comfortable and less burdened.

The daily breakfast is generally coarse grains+boiled eggs. I like all kinds of steamed coarse grains, sweet potato, corn and taro. They are really delicious.

For dinner, coarse grains are often used instead of refined staple foods.

After dinner, eat some almond snacks. The feeling can't be perfect.

I hope you can keep cooking for a while, poof. Keep eating well. Maybe the body fat can fall off well. Expectations.

These are the details of this month.


The same sentence,

As a mortal, I am not qualified to teach you how to become beautiful. I am still in the process of exploring myself.  

What I'm doing is just spending more time and money to try and make mistakes and share the results~

I hope it will be useful to everyone~

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