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Official announcement fifty-nine thousand four hundred and eighty-six Sister 631 Posts
 Her financial assistant

The new user system is online, take this growth guide, and let's fight for the upgrade!

Hello, honey,

The little assistant has prepared a new user growth system: Lv user level

Update the APP to 5.19.2 and above to start the journey of fighting against monsters!

What is the Lv user level?

Lv user level is the growth record of Caimi people in Xiaoshe, recording the time each Caimi spent with Xiaoshe, and also witnessing the process of improving everyone's ability.

It turns out that Xiaoshe has only two user identities: ordinary user and financial expert. In order to help everyone better record their growth and improve their ability in various fields, Xiaoshe has enriched her user ranks.

The new Lv user level covers 9 fields, and each field has a set of upgrade tasks. From Lv0 to Lv10 in a certain field, your ability in this field will be improved with each upgrade~

Ps: After the new user level goes online, the original wealth management talent system will stop running (those who have won the title of wealth management talent will still retain the title and privileges).

9 major fields and corresponding teams:

Saving → corresponding to the "Saving to Realize Your Dream" group

Fund → corresponding to the group "Fund can play like this"

Insurance → corresponding to the "My Insurance is My Own" group

Stock → corresponding to the "stock up and up" group

Credit card → corresponding to the "playing credit card" group

Workplace → corresponding to the "work" group

Reading → corresponding to the "Wealth Girl Reading Association" group

La Ma → corresponding to the "La Ma Ban" group

Emotion → corresponding to "Emotion · Life" group

Users of Lv0-Lv2 level are not divided into different fields, and users of Lv3 and above begin to upgrade by different fields.

Ps: If you publish an elite post in any of the above nine fields, you will be automatically upgraded to Lv3 in this field (you can skip upgrading tasks for Lv1 and Lv2).

for instance:

If you have published an elite post in the fund team, your rating is: fund Lv3

Each level reflects your ability in a certain field, which can not only help you to improve your ability more purposefully, but also show you more comprehensively to other financial honey. According to the little assistant, there is no money honey to reach Lv10 at present, will you be the first~

What privileges and benefits does rank have?

We have not only prepared rich challenges, but also set corresponding privileges and benefits:

1、 Level Exclusive Privilege

Reward of essence paste: 10000 taels/article

Lv9 and below in any field: 5000 taels/article for refined posts

Lv10 in any field: if the posts published in this field are refined later, 10000 taels/article will be obtained

2、 Rich upgrade rewards

Upgrade reward of 110000 taels (single field)

In addition to privileges, in the process of upgrading, you will be accidentally hit by a large amount of other coins~

Upgrade to Lv5 in any field, and a one-time reward of 10000 yuan will be given;

If you upgrade to Lv7 in any field, a one-time reward of 20000 taels will be given;

If you upgrade to Lv9 in any field, a one-time reward of 30000 taels will be given;

Upgrade to Lv10 in any field, and a one-time reward of 50000 taels will be given.

A total of 9 fields can be upgraded, and each honey can get up to 990000 NT.

*The above level privileges and upgrade rewards are only applicable to the currently designated 9 fields. She is also developing new privileges and benefits. Please look forward to it~

How to view upgrade tasks?

Open the APP homepage - My - My level is visible.

For Lv0-Lv2, there is no need to select an upgrade field. Everyone's level tasks are the same:

Upgrading tasks of Lv3 and above will be displayed in different fields:

Detailed upgrade task supplement:

After the Lv user level goes online, the system will automatically match the financial honey to the corresponding level according to your historical data, and the corresponding rewards will be automatically distributed to your account. You can view your own details of other currencies and welfare vouchers~

After reading the growth guide, let's hurry to upgrade and fight against monsters. The little assistant will wait for you in Lv10~

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