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Pretending Research Room ninety-nine thousand three hundred and ninety-seven Sister 10849 Posts
 Jimmy sprouts

Sharing of good things such as affordable washing and care in summer

 Jimmy sprouts
Jimmy sprouts   Jimmy sprouts 2018-06-21 13:44 Reading (10367)

I didn't think about changing my toiletries in the new season before. After all, I'm a real tough guy. Then I got to know the pig essence girl straw, and was wildly planting grass, at the same time, I also changed some ideas. Exquisiteness is not necessarily a big brand or a complicated program, but a different attempt to use something good to make you happy.

Here are some good things to share~~

[Washing Supplies]

1. Shampoo - Purple Lv

There was Lv in the small bag that President Bao gave me for trial use. I felt very good after using it. Apart from the smell of Chinese medicine, I felt very good. Oily hair, chose purple Lv. Now it has been used for almost a month, and I obviously feel less hair loss. In the past, washing one's head can block the sewer, blow one's hair, and even a washbasin has broken hair. After the purple Lv is washed, there is a fresh feeling of mint. The scalp is cool and comfortable.

The most amazing thing is that a degreasing product also has a smooth effect. Because of the large amount of hair loss, there are many new hair, and the hair is always in a state of hair blowing. After using this product, it is actually very smooth. My colleagues thought I had changed my hair style, but actually I just changed my shampoo.

Recommended index: 4 stars

Purchase price: 139 two bottles

Purchase route: Watsons

2. Facial Cleanser Freeplus

I forgot whose Amway I ate, and said that amino acid facial cleanser was suitable for sensitive muscles. Just as the previous facial soap could not be used, I started. The effect was almost as expected, quite mild and clean. I used to wash my face with facial cleanser at night and rinse it with water in the morning. It can be used in the morning and evening. It is mild and won't dry and tense after washing twice. The foam is generally thin, and the foaming net I use is tasteless and will buy back.

Recommended index: 4 stars

Purchase price: 150

Purchase method: Tmall flagship store

[Protective equipment]

1. A good thing - spray bottle

Last time, I asked my colleague Thailand to bring mushroom water in 400ml. It's not easy to pour when I use it, and I always spill half of it, which is too wasteful. Then I bought a spray bottle and sprayed it directly on my face after repackaging. It saves time and effort. It's very convenient. You can also take it on business trips.

Recommended index: 5 stars

Purchase price: 10 yuan

Purchase channel: Taobao

2. A good water - mushroom water

It has been used for more than half a year. From winter to spring and then to summer, it means that good water can be used all year round, not in different seasons. It is also a water recommended for sensitive muscles. It is very refreshing and easy to absorb. As for the dilution of red blood, it has limited sensory effect, but the skin tolerance is increased. It can be exfoliated without redness.

Recommended index: four stars

Purchase price: 495

Purchase route: Thai meat

3. One sunscreen - green and soft

I haven't been sun proof for 18 years. The year before last, I started to use sunscreen. At first, I used ANKEI, and then the price of ANKEI rose. Mr. Bao recommended Bi Rou to me. At first, the green and soft material made me feel a little sick, like a runny nose. However, it's refreshing to apply it on your face. Some people use it to rub mud, but I haven't. And this sunscreen has passed my exposure test on the plateau and at the construction site. I wiped it in the morning and went out. I haven't made up for it all day. It's still not tanned, and the quality is excellent.

Recommended index: five stars

Purchase price: 80

Way of purchase: purchase on behalf

[Interesting and good things]

1. Odor removing and polishing - deodorant stone

I like sweating very much. I especially envy those who are cool and sweat free. After a whole day of fermentation after sweating, it tastes very sour and refreshing. The deodorant stone product itself has no taste. After use, it will not smell even if you sweat heavily. It's especially suitable for people like me who don't like to smell all over.

Recommended index: five stars

Purchase price: 60

Way of purchase: purchase on behalf

2. Moisture and light removing - DHC Yiren Pill

The straw planter has been eating for two weeks now, and the effect can be said to be immediate. The first one had diarrhea. After discussing with friends who had eaten it, the normal reaction was that the moisture was too high, and then it became normal. The specific effect is reflected in: the acne on the back is gone, the hair is not so easy to get greasy, the most effective is that the defecation does not hang on the wall, and diarrhea is not frequent. I think the honey in this basin area can be tried. Our geographical environment determines that the humidity is high. It is necessary to eat some.

Recommended index: five stars

Purchase price: 60

Way of purchase: purchase on behalf

3. Health Underwear - Underwear without Steel Ring

Since breast surgery was performed on the chest, he has hated the steel ring and resolutely resisted all underwear that ignored health in order to look good. Any gathering and thickening is anti human. Especially in summer, it's too painful to wear a thickened underwear for the sake of good curves. As a married woman who does not need to attract the opposite sex externally, she feels free to liberate her nature and abandon the burden. Now I like all kinds of styles of underwears without steel rings very much. Uniqlo and all major underwear brands have them. Of course, there are also very beautiful styles. For example, the bra tte style is very beautiful for girls. If you want to be more comfortable, you can choose the vest style.

Recommended index: five stars

Purchase price: 150-500

Purchase channel: physical stores

Or the last picture? Will you be reported for pornography? I still don't want to let you go. You can search for thin underwear without steel rings.

That's about it

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