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Save money to realize your dream two hundred and thirty-four thousand nine hundred and eighty-one Sisters 134368 Posts

Three year plan

Colorful Colorful 2024-05-23 15:03 Reading (368)

I downloaded her financial management ten years ago. Occasionally, when I read the articles in it, I began to change slowly. I would not spend money indiscriminately. I started to save money. I saved 3000 yuan for the first time, and received tens of yuan of interest three months later. From then on, I began to save money

Until recently, I didn't want to work any more. I desperately wanted to be free, but my pocket didn't allow it. I was always in a daze and went to work fishing. I thought fishing was free, but I was still anxious

Make a three-year plan for yourself, and try to save money to get rid of the fate of working. I want to lie down, plant flowers, fish, and watch the beautiful scenery in a daze. I think it's free

The first step is to give up, do not buy what should not be bought, restrain your consumption desire, reward yourself with a little something when appropriate, let yourself enjoy it, gradually get used to the habit that when things are less and money is saved slowly, it will be closer to freedom. Come on, work hard, my ideal is to lie flat

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