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Save money to realize your dream two hundred and thirty-four thousand nine hundred and eighty-one Sisters 134366 Posts
 Jiang Lai

Why should we pursue wealth and freedom?

 Jiang Lai
Jiang Lai Jiang Lai 2024-05-23 12:52 Reading (187)

Article | Jiang Lai 2024/5/23

The freedom of wealth we seek is not to own a lot of money or become an investment god like Buffett, but to get back the choice of life through freedom of wealth.

If we don't think about money and only talk about dreams, many people may answer that they can travel around the world; Some people would like to do public welfare or engage in art related work, and live a decent and free life. But the reality is that these things need money to support.

Ordinary people naturally cannot choose a free lifestyle, but people with financial freedom can. Not only because they are very rich, but more importantly, money gives them the right to choose freely.

Without money, people seem to be tied by a rope. Their body and mind are bound, and their choices are very limited. Only when people become the masters of this rope can they freely choose what they want to do.

Before doing anything, we need to think clearly about our motivation and purpose. We should think about what is the purpose of saving money and learning to invest and manage money? Want to buy without scruple? Do you want your family to live a better life? Still have some unfinished dreams? Ask yourself if you have the answer in your heart?

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