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#Become a better self - weekly summary

come from Cainv Reading Association ・ 76 posts ・ 452 participants

 The Mighty

2024-5-19 Long term Plan

 The Mighty
The Mighty The Mighty 2024-05-19 22:06 Reading (492)

Today, I read the book Top Thinking, in which I have a lot of feelings about long-term planning:

Refusing long-term planning is equal to quitting;

Train of thought decides the way out: how far you look, how far you can go;

If you are confused about the future, you should also think about 20 years later. Foresight is a rare quality, It tests people's tolerance to future changes and ability to plan for the long term. Is changing rapidly Would you like to calm down and see further places in the market? Can you bear it Have a disposition to wait for positive changes in the future? No matter what the situation is, we should do Think far enough in the future to plan for a long-term available model, and Instead of being lured by short-term interests, they gave up their control over the future and their initiative in competition. The more difficult the economy is, the more entrepreneurs need foresight. Only with long-term plans can we gain lasting advantages. You may be a rational calm People will not be confused about the future, but you still need to make long-term plans. Think of It doesn't mean to do it. To do it, you must have a practical plan, otherwise you will still wander In situ, it is difficult to move forward. If you want to go further, you need to plan rationally and not look the other way We should be careful about the gains and losses before we meet the next 20 years with a positive and open attitude.

Before graduating from college, I was full of longing for life and imagined a better life in the future. The ideal at that time has been realized. The five-year plan has been formulated since 16 years ago, but now I'm a little confused and don't know what to pursue.

After reading this article today, since the life goal in 5 years is not good, we can think about the ideal life in 10 years. It will be 50 years old in 10 years. What we value is nothing more than having a healthy body, children who can adapt to social requirements, wealth (5 million? I'm not sure after reading Bai Lu's article), career (to be evaluated as a deputy senior professional title? Try your best. I didn't want to prepare any more, but later I thought I could use this to force myself to learn something new. Maybe there are other inspirations in the process of learning. Try your best, and don't get mad because of the title evaluation).

This is probably the plan.

Today, when I was reading in the bookstore, there were many little girls who were reading and doing their homework in the bookstore with their feed cakes. I really envy you. When I was their age, I always had to finish farm work before I could do my homework. The most important thing was malnutrition. I always ate sensitive vegetables or peanuts, and seldom bought vegetables. I felt sorry for myself at that time. At the same time, I tried to save money to prevent such a life from appearing, and to prevent my children from experiencing such a difficult life.

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