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#Reading&Essay Dragonfly

come from Cainv Reading Association ・ 36 posts ・ 220 participants

 Flying Red Dragonfly

Xiao Nanshan

 Flying Red Dragonfly
Flying Red Dragonfly Flying Red Dragonfly 2024-05-19 14:40 Reading (4457)

Xiaonan Mountain is the highest place in the downtown area of our small city, so a small park has been built naturally.

I often walk or run in the park in the morning or evening to exercise. Sometimes, when I am in a bad mood, I will come here and find a place to sit for a while.

The scenery is different all the year round. For example, the blooming winter jasmine I saw in spring is now only covered with dense green leaves; Photinia with red leaves in early spring, dense white flowers in mid spring, and red fruits in autumn; I saw the Hypericum today

And seven sisters

But since I saw Shi Tiesheng's "I and the Temple of Earth", I have a different feeling for this park. What I see is not only the flowers and plants I used to care about, but also the various people in the park. Shi Tiesheng met a middle-aged couple who often went for a walk. Day after day, it was almost rain or shine; There are young men who practice singing; There are bird hunters who release many captured birds and wait for many rare birds in the past; There are simple and elegant middle-aged female engineers who go to work through the garden; Another man, a friend of the author, is the most talented long-distance runner, but he has been buried. Shi Tiesheng said that "he spent several years in prison for careless remarks during the" Cultural Revolution ". After he came out, he finally found a job pulling a cart. He could not equal others in any way. He was extremely depressed and practiced long-distance running. At that time, he always came to the garden to run. I timed him with my watch. Every time he ran, he waved to me, and I recorded a time. Each time he would run twenty laps around the garden, about 20000 meters. He hoped to achieve real political liberation with his long-distance running results, and he thought that the camera and words of reporters could help him achieve this. In the first year, he ran the 15th place in the Spring Festival Round the City Race. When he saw the pictures of the top ten were hung in the news window of Chang'an Street, he was confident. The next year, he ran to the fourth place, but there were only pictures of the top three in the news window, so he was not discouraged. In the third year, he ran to the seventh place, and hung pictures of the top six in the shop window. He was a little angry with himself. In the fourth year, he ran to the third place, but only the first place picture was hung in the window. In the fifth year, he ran to the first place - he was almost desperate, and there was only a picture of the crowd in the shop window. In those years, we used to stay in this garden until dark, scold with joy, and go home silently after scolding. When we broke up, we would tell each other: Don't die first, and try to live again. Now he has stopped running. He is too old to run so fast. The last time he participated in the Round the City Tournament, he won the first place again at the age of 38 and broke the record. A coach of the professional team said to him, "I wish I had found you ten years ago." He smiled bitterly and said nothing. He only came to the park again in the evening and told me about it calmly. "

This morning, while running in the park, I inadvertently looked at the people and things around me and saw a walking man playing with a beautiful bird on the treetop; See the workers who irrigate flowers and plants dragging long pipes to find suitable locations; See the old man who is fighting and practicing sword nearby, and concentrate; I also saw a middle-aged runner wearing a running shirt, shorts and stockings, with strong muscle lines, dexterous running and light steps; There is also a middle-aged elder sister who plays square dance music and dances with the music very rhythmically

Maybe, over the years, I can see more scenes and things, people and things

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